Internet Chains

December 30, 2015


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Chains in the Internet the Internet is something wonderful, therefore if used of correct form it is a tool of information, formation, entertainment and many other easinesses in our day the day. We find of everything in the Internet, either good or bad. Another utility importantssima of the Internet is fast and efficient dissemination of information and communication. With the massificao of the Internet the email if has become each time plus an agile and efficient media. So agile and efficient that has been used for the dissemination of the celebrities ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘. We have ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘ of all the types: to gain money, to divulge photos of disappeared people and religious messages. ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘ that more they circulate and of bigger number, without doubts, they are the religious ones.

With certainty you who now are reading this have received almost that daily ‘ ‘ visita’ ‘ of Jesus Christ, Ours Lady, or some another saint or saint. For my calculations in the year of 2010 I must have received one 365 ‘ ‘ visitas’ ‘ of Jesus Christ and plus others as much of Ours Lady or some another saint or saint. Here I want to abide ‘ more; ‘ chains religiosas’ ‘. These chains normally contain one appeal very emotivo and use of artifices that they search to make with that the people send these messages ahead. The sufficiently common artifices are of that if you do not have shame to assume God you must pass to a number X of contacts or all its contacts. These formadores of ‘ ‘ chains religiosas’ ‘ they use of a way that can very be compared with the blackmail. Yes blackmail and what it is worse uses the name of God to chantagear the people.