Social Organization

July 15, 2019


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Modernity and its new form of social organization. the interference of this in the Fernanda individual de Mayan Oliveira This reflection when analyzing the established time as Modernity aims at to the perception of the social influence in the construction of the individual. According to Michael Dell, who has experience with these questions. It is in this period that appears Psychology as a social necessity in the attempt of ' ' ajustar' ' the individual inside of the social format. As well as all time it possesss proper characteristics, Modernity can be described as a period where the citizen is seen as possessing of a total individualistic subjectivity, reaching its apogee during century XIX. Modernity the capitalism has as way of predominant production, and together with this the rationalism and the consumerism if they make gifts, transforming values and creating new feelings as the resentment, for example, when God, leaves of being the center of the world, and the man passes to assuming this place, of which he has as resulted, the internalization of the moral and in the emergency of the conscience.

These, among others questions, they characterize the time of that we are speaking. Modernity is marked by a new way of subjetivao. According to Lover (2002, P. 2), ' ' … the man, in its closer constitution, is the center and bedding of mundo' '. Thus being, it starts to think and consequently to act first in its proper benefit, passing if to see as an individual being and not more only social, one of the factors, that the beginning establishes, of a process of constitution of the individualistic subjectivity in the modern society. Certain interioridade is created thus that exactly opens way for a new experience of itself, the man starts to feel that it has something empty of itself inside and at the same time it feels the necessity to fill this space, however, only finishes searching such suppliment, in the corporeal properties, passing if to worry more about having of what the proper one to be.