As statisticians the investments in advertising in the Internet had grown about 30% in 2010 and the justifications are many, between them are possible to detach the technological advances that had in recent years allowed the easy access to the Internet from mobile devices. In Brazil, the consumer online is represented by the classrooms, B and C that passes one hour at least hardwired per week, searching information, diversion and relationships, that is, the Internet is excellent a half one for the advertising, however it is necessary to focar in the behavior of this consumer to trace efficient actions of digital marketing. Unquestionably the Internet influences and very in the marketing of the companies, exactly that an only cent is not invested. The traditional media is controlled normally for private groups, in the Internet who commands is the comsumidor, it can think, criticize, complain, praise, between as much another action and this can in such a way be positive how much negative. If a company does not invest in digital marketing it it is not losing only the chance of speaking on its products and services, it is leaving that they make it to others without participating of the process.
December 7, 2015
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As statisticians the investments in advertising in the Internet had grown about 30% in 2010 and the justifications are many, between them are possible to detach the technological advances that had in recent years allowed the easy access to the Internet from mobile devices. In Brazil, the consumer online is represented by the classrooms, B and C that passes one hour at least hardwired per week, searching information, diversion and relationships, that is, the Internet is excellent a half one for the advertising, however it is necessary to focar in the behavior of this consumer to trace efficient actions of digital marketing. Unquestionably the Internet influences and very in the marketing of the companies, exactly that an only cent is not invested. The traditional media is controlled normally for private groups, in the Internet who commands is the comsumidor, it can think, criticize, complain, praise, between as much another action and this can in such a way be positive how much negative. If a company does not invest in digital marketing it it is not losing only the chance of speaking on its products and services, it is leaving that they make it to others without participating of the process.