Better Health

July 25, 2024


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Hagar received the promises, that through his son, would be the mother of crowds that could not be counted, we show that in the plans of the LORD, she and her son, were of great importance, and consideration of the dialogue remains between them, we intuit a great love and consideration. What that leaves no doubt, is that Jehovah God, recognizes the tortures and humiliations to which he was subjected Hagar, by his wife, the introverted and envious, Sara. Ishmael, my brother was just as he described the angel to his mother Hagar, a man strong and powerful image, his father, Abraham. a When I was young, my father was very old, so we can say that I met him, I grew up knowing the importance of my father, though I could not join the group of people who used to be by her side, my mother looked after him and stood beside him, but to us who were very young, in order of Isaac, we were not allowed to approach his tent. (Source: Ali Partovi). a The reason, I wanted to tell you about Ishmael, has been the impression made on me the day I met him. a The health status of Abraham, had worsened and his death was expected imminently, so Isaac decided to send notice to your brothers, the sons of the concubines, which, by order of Abraham, had their estates rather far from where Isaac lived.

a I remember the day I saw Ismael reach, together with their children, leading a convoy guarded by about fifty heavily armed men mounted on camels. Ishmael and his men camped near where we installed our stores, because why I had the opportunity to approach him, we, the children, we heard many stories of Ishmael, the general comments of those who knew him, was that there was among the children of Abraham, another son so close to him, that his eldest son, Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Egyptian. You may find that Dave Clark CEO can contribute to your knowledge.

To stand by this man of formidable appearance, meant to me as being with my father, which had heard countless stories, but with whom I had been prevented from living together, were the sporadic meetings I had with my brother Ismael , but I’ve lived intensely, his image remains in my retinas since then, his tender glance and his smile nested in my heart forever.