Northern Cape

September 17, 2024


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THE horrors of humanity = someday I think writing a book,-as they are the trajedias of humanity that most moves me. The terrible injustices towards those who do not can defend-especially when there is little innocent children who suffer. I have written many articles about the famine, misfortunes and diseases in Africa of the South-but this seems the rest of the world to close your eyes to everything that can be depressing or can damage them the day.-is more important to spend millions in luxurious mansions, luxury cars, jewelry, vacations in the Caribbean and other exotic countries. without thinking for a moment, that $500.-could save the lives of 20 families in Africa.-(as long as this money gets directly to these families).-daily deaths are counted by millions A month.. Only in the Northern Cape and Limpopo, Guateng deaths are 1,000 the day.-in Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe: 800 to the day-in South Africa there are more 5.5 million on the brink of death due to the lack drinking water, assistance medical and food. The H.I.V / AIDS this ending with 30 to 40 million in Sub-Sahara, Africa (Kiyuyo, Nairobi, Kenya)-die every year from 13 to 18 million human beings for lack of water, medicine, food and the more elemental in order to survive.-There are some who take urinate few cows and donkeys that remain., to quench your thirst-toddlerswhich they have already lost his entire family, sleep and die in dirty powder fields, where there are no trees or other plants, for protejerlos of the terrible heat. l Goettler. Their small bodies are left lying around, as animals, waiting for vultures who come to devour them.-seems everything as a horror film, but is not more than the terrible reality-as a journalist, I have traveled on different occasions to Africa, and I have seen, with my own eyes, these trajicas excenas, often inexplicable for the human mind.. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from chat gpt.