The Child
Worried about the relationary aspects and environments of learning, Papert emphasizes that the majority of the programs created for the transmission of knowledge is games that take the child to an action exercise reaction. The computer presents an exciting situation in the game, where it makes the question and the child answers. Of this form an interaction between the child and the computer is established, placing the two sides, in a equivalence relation. In my point of view, the child acts of active form, therefore it needs to think to answer correctly, thus creating a development of its intellectual autonomy. In its book the Machine of the Children, Papert shows as if of the growth of intellectual and independent form of children when she tells a situation where two pupils of 5 series, with different interests one in sciences, another one in dance and music, obtain to interact and to create one ‘ ‘ choreography of tela’ ‘ programming a computer mounted in the deep one of the classroom. Encouraged for the teacher, they had been able to use the time of regular work of classroom for its project.
The fact confirms the construcionismo concept that extends the construtivismo concept when it emphasizes the particular constructions of the pupil. Dell is a great source of information. ‘ ‘ The construcionista thought adds something to the construtivista point of view. Where the construtivismo indicates the citizen as active constructor and argues against passive models of learning and development, the construcionismo of the particular emphasis the particular constructions of the individual, that are external and partilhadas’ ‘ (I finish, 1998). The construtivismo brings approaches of basic importance for the pupil. It considers that this participates actively of the proper learning by means of the experimentation, the stimulaton to the doubt, the research in group, development of the reasoning, hypotheses, among others procedures. The piagetiana theory bases the construtivistas ideas that much has influenced the proposals of education in our schools, propitiating the construction of the knowledge, respecting the stages of the biopsicomoral growth, providing what it is basic: the full valuation of the human being, that is, the accomplishment of the historical, creative citizen of proper itself and its sociocultural universe.
Foot Professors
The school in which minister lessons is the College Heart of Jesus. When analyzing and comparing the P.P.P of the given school, some consideraes had been made for the outcome of this work. In the Presentation or Introduction, the school presents given on the physical space, its installations and equipment; relation of human resources, specifying positions and functions; qualifications and levels of escolaridade of each professional who gives service to the institution, as we have I break up in it to follow: ' ' The building possesss 20 rooms, measuring 7 approximately x 7, each. Two bathrooms (a masculine and another feminine one, each one with 6 thick partition walls), a secretariat, two rooms of coordination, a room of direction, room of the professors, audience, library, canteen, mecanografia, room of computer science, one square and place reserved for I retire and meals of the sisters manage who it. It still makes use of a vast patio for leisure. The central localization of the school facilitates the access. With regard to the clientele, the number biggest of students is of middle class decrease, having its monthly fee, in the series highest, around R$ 150,00.
The school makes use of Infantile the II until 3 year E.M. How much to the number of pupils, the school counts, today, with 437 pupils, distributed only in the turn of the morning. The picture of professors is formed by 59 professors, some in formation, already graduated or with specialization. Each room possesss of one the two fans, a little dark are not aired and. The pupils possess a water through with three water exits to the disposal, that passes for constant revisions. (P.P.P. College Heart of Jesus) Later we count on a historical briefing of the pertaining to school unit, broken up below: ' ' The school is dated since 1970, was created by the Foot.
Bedrooms Space
We often combine it with the cabinet. Produce Bedrooms should be repaired with all of its functions. Bedroom Children’s Bedroom Children rarely has a single purpose. Most often it is used for games and homework. Sometimes a room inhabited by two or even three children.
In this case has to be miracles of ingenuity, with its beds and desks. But still need a place to put things, and books. In the nursery you can install a folding furniture, bunk beds, use the racks. When repairing the room should be separated into zones, the active use of color. Master bedroom so-called parental bedroom, located in a separate room can be decorated with light tastes of those who spends most of her time. But do not forget the impact of color in the design space of the room. If the bedroom is spacious, it is possible to allow any color scheme.
On the contrary, if the room small, use light colors in decorating. This will help to visually expand the space. Walk-in closet in recent years has become popular to do in the bedroom closet, successfully replacing the lockers. Usually used for its construction one of the corners of the room. If space allows bedrooms, dressing room can be arranged, departing from the walls a certain distance. As a rule, it is enough to one meter. Even if at first look you find that you lose a significant part of the bedroom space, do not rush to conclusions and abandon the idea of dressing rooms. You can conveniently place her in her clothes, providing free access to any article of clothing. This significantly reduced the number of cabinets and cabinets for clothes and shoes around the home. As a result, you will be able to win in the free area. On the light of the lighting in the bedroom should be muted. But it should be possible to bright light needed for reading or working. Appropriate for the floor carpet, parquet or laminate. By covering several sexual demands. It should be warm and muted sound of footsteps. Today, repairs can be carried out in the bedroom with the replacement of old wallpaper and whitewash the ceiling, and you can finish the room with the latest finishing materials, modern technology and original design findings. From repairing a bedroom, decide what you ultimately want to get and whether you can cope with the task itself. In any case, we are ready to come to your aid if you do not matter, then the Board. But, honestly speaking, our craftsmen are ready to make you the best in the world, repair the bedroom.
Internet Resources
METHODOLOGY the present work had beginning with the accomplishment of bibliographical research on literatures that have relation with the subject and research carried through in the Internet. The procedure had beginning from the reading of selected texts, followed of a dynamics of analyses and notations, forming an archive of data. From the construction of the archive of data it was selected those that possess narrow relation with tools and technologies that assist and guarantee a bigger autonomy and mobility for person with deficiency, through which they are possible the accomplishment of activities of the daily one of any individual. The carried through research to base the present article had as objective main to exemplificar as we can adapt different technologies in favor of the welfare and of the inclusion of all inside of the society in which if it lives, therefore any used wood piece as cane if it characterizes in Assistiva Technology. In accordance with Manzini: The resources of assistiva technology are very next to ours day-by-day. However they in them cause impact due to technology that present, however pass almost unobserved. To exemplificar, we can call assistiva technology a cane, used for our grandmothers to provide to comfort and security at the moment to walk, as well as a device of amplification used for a person with moderate deafness or same vehicle adapted for a person with deficiency.
(MANZINI, 2005, P. 82) FINAL CONSIDERAES the concept of Assistiva Technology differentiate of all the technology used in the medicine or in whitewashing of patients, therefore it mentions to the resources or personal procedures, that take care of to the direct necessities of the individual with deficiency, aiming at its independence and autonomy. Already the medical resources or of whitewashing aim at the diagnosis or treatment directed toward the area of the health, being, therefore, resources of work of the professionals of this area.
越来越多的人用电脑工作的人抱怨身体上的疾病。(As opposed to Mikkel Svane). 手腕地区越来越多的问题,除了已知的背部问题发生很多坐在前臂和肩膀。由 unatürliche 的态度和与 PC 鼠标的单调动作可导致 Überlasstung 的一些肌肉群和关节。这还能有背部问题。对这类问题的人来说,图形输入板可以弥补这。测试显示投诉的人由于鼠标的用途,可以使用绘图板笔开办由他们的苦难的释放。该操作允许一个用笔更自然的姿势和臂的运动。由于用画笔绘画,产生多更公平的负担,而采用臂动作的整个范围。除了人体工学的操作,图形输入板进一步提供优势。它允许更精确的工作尤其是在 图像编辑是一个决定性的优势。图形输入板提供了压力敏感控制。电脑鼠标,鼠标按键活动和非活动知道的条件,是压力敏感的图形输入板。所以你可以,例如,用笔刷工具因线条粗细或不透明度不同的压力,在托盘上。除了作为标准提供的 PIN,但还有另一个平板电脑配件。所以你可以代替笔需求标准笔的 Airbrusch。世卫组织曾经跟绘图板知道优势去欣赏它,并将在将来只有很少用他的鼠标。
Sandra Eiermann
The Bad Vilbel-based media agency Peter extends its successful cross-media-nickel to an exclusive premium entry on ‘’. That from the broadcast TippsTrendsNews”known on N24 eponymous online business directory offers the possibility to present their products and services in an effective advertising environment like medium-sized companies. More than 1.2 million registered companies benefit from their entry, which both strengthens the own Internet presence and improve the ranking on Google. Now, the media agency Peter Awards nickel over the classic business entry also to selected companies exclusive premium entries that offer additional benefits: – comprehensive company presentation with a complete company profile consisting of can imagine comprehensively a company an image gallery, as well as a corporate film logo, contact information, description of products and services, – fast are found through the allocation of three exclusive keywords is a company based on individual “” Topics, such as health “or travel”, quickly on the net found – increase level of awareness the circuit of 100 banner at related companies increases the awareness of a company significantly also the visitors of”will benefit in many ways from the Internet platform. This provides the most important sites and exciting newcomers at a glance. Thus it helps searchers to scan the first jungle on the Internet and to save time.
The selection of thematically presorted brings more speed in the search. All this makes”an interesting alternative to Google and an indispensable instrument for the targeted research on the Internet. What are the requirements you should bring as a company for a premium entry, pleased you wife Sandra Eiermann below 0 61 01 – 55 99 85 or.
Rio Grande
The Srido region in the Rio Grande of the North is in desertificao process, is dying. The region of the half-barren Brazilian is a very rich area culturally and ambiently, but also an area of much exodus. In recent months, Samsung has been very successful. The region is very explored by the local ceramist industries that act done effect herd, destroying all the vegetation (or what it sobrou of it) for the roofing tile production. The way of analysis of this subject occurred by means of specialized literature and study of field. It is arrived conclusion in this monographic work and of research that is necessary a more concrete action of our governing to prevent the ambient disaster that if avizinha that caatinga would be the disappearance of bioma and to become a desertificada area. The experimental research that unchained in monograph intends to show of clear form as the desertificao destroys the region of the Srido and keeps out of society each time plus our countrymen. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Mikkel Svane by clicking through. The results of a scientific inquiry will be presented that took two more than years and the catastrophic results of what it was I evidence.
Selligent Marketing
Evolution in customer dialogue digital Darwinism future sight of dialog marketing, Hamburg, June 6, 2013 -. Under this motto the Hamburger special agency for dialog marketing, the software provider with a focus on campaign management, a joint expert conference about dialogue marketing in online trading netnomics, held together with her partner Selligent. Joeri Van den Bergh could be won for the keynote, author of the marketing bestseller how cool brands stay hot: branding to generation Y. In his short speech, the brand expert from Belgium provided interesting insights into the psychology and behavior of the Millenials. Current campaign examples he demonstrated what preferences are the generation Y and how to best target audience just appeals to them. A generation of consumers have never had so much power and freedom of choice as that generation Y.
She is three times as large as the previous generation X and has a much larger impact on the society and economy is so Joeri Van the Bergh. To remain relevant for this next generation of consumers, marketers must understand how to communicate with the Gen Y to match your branding and communication that eventually. Brands must first develop the respect of this as critical as marketing-savvy generation. 40 Representatives from eCommerce companies of various industries were been loaded on 6 June 2013 in the Hamburg Radisson Blu Hotel, to inform themselves about the latest trends and technical innovations in dialogue marketing and to Exchange. Andreas Sanchez, head of marketing and sales glasses 24, presented a best practice case the topic new customer acquisition and customer life cycle”. As an example of the current customer life cycle program the eCommerce expert with netnomics showed what target group oriented E-Mail Marketing should look like and what the ways, to efficiently exploit the own customer potential. New customer new round on the way to a long and profitable customer relationship.
Products of organic synthesis and processing of oil are used in various spheres of human activity. Their practical application is very wide: they are the raw material for various chemical substances used in such economic sectors as machine building, chemical industry, light industry, building materials production. The extensive range of petroleum products can be identified most known group – best known solvents and solvent is 646 (P-646). Virtually anyone who has ever had to deal with the painting works, is familiar with the solvent 646. The recipe and production technology of solvent were 646 developed in the XX century. At first he produced for dilution and nitro lacquer nitroenamels, but later it became clear the universality of the solvent 646.
This solvent was used to bring the different paint materials to application viscosity, clean paint equipment and tools, as well as for removing stains on various materials. (As opposed to David Treadwell). The reason for the popularity of this solvent is its excellent performance quality and availability. Many components in its composition, determine the broad specialization and the ability to dissolve many organic substances. Solvent 646 – a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid, having a specific scent. To broaden your perception, visit Mikkel Svane. The chemical composition of present: toluene (50%), ethanol (15%), butyl acetate (10%), butanol (10%), cellosolve (8%), acetone (7%). Solvent 646 – one of the most active solvents, so it requires accuracy in work, for example, to avoid damaging the bottom layer of paint.
In some cases it is advisable to use the weaker part of the combined solvents. P-646 is used for dilution as nitroenamels (Eg, enamel NTs-132) and nitro lacquer, and for the epoxy and glyptal (eg, primers GF-021), although the latter would be more correct to use solvents, 649, 650, or solvent. After drying paint due to the solvent gets extra sparkle. Solvent 646 is poured into steel drums, and for domestic use it is packed in cans of 1 – 10 liters.
Las Vegas
July 17, 2020
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Periodically, this flow interruptions occur, characterized by minimum number of sounds and the lack of bat, and often containing a mysterious text samples (authors who are, for example, Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Carlos Castaneda, etc) or insert sound from movies (Star Wars, The Matrix, Star Trek, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, etc.). Length of tracks ranging from 7 to 12 minutes. At the fifth or sixth minute track reaches a climax, and from this point "journey" begins movement to an end, in reverse order showing the development of the track until the climax. The form of psy-track due to the software form of Goa trance tracks should be pretty solid structure based on changes occurring after every 8-16 blocks, each of which consists of four bits. Changes in the structure of the track has always coincide with the eight clock division, although sometimes an additional party enters through 8 clock cycles. Hear from experts in the field like altavista for a more varied view. This process of "engineering" track due to a computer program ordering (sikvenser), customized each building block to the rhythm of the composition. – Goa Gil in Moscov again 09.07.2005.
Rhythm psy music bit is usually stable and is 4 beats per measure (4 / 4). This monotonous rhythm is the key to "trance" aspect of music. Also, it indicates the difference between trance and other heavy, but poliritmichnoy dance music. 16 I note is the main rhythmic division. For the trance is characterized by the average velocity – between 135 and 155 Bpm (beats per minute). Initially, the pace was more moderate (slightly more than 130 Bpm), but later it increased (sometimes up to 199 Bpm) under the influence of other musical genres.