State Day

March 24, 2020


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We are in a strange country where everything seems to be subject to grants if it does not gives the impression that we don’t set up any project, recently someone told me I need a grant for my movie, someone else told me I need a grant to start a magazine, I want to mount a play, a ballet, a zarzuela and for all cultural projects they need public aid to build schools, hospitals, and even be responsible for debts of sports clubs of all kinds. Public money appears on all sides which I do not know if it is good or bad but it’s so, sad when the State extended its tentacles every day to more places in society, which I think will not be good for the entrepreneurial minds than to see it all wrong, they give up trying. This situation has reminded me to confused when it advocated that that the protective State watched over your interests, I do not know if this will happen, but me, I don’t like that they put in my existence because it costs me enough to keep me in a certain logical order, that nobody would come to tell me how you must work out my existence, enough have I with all weather events that day to day I have in my soul. Under most conditions Michele Glaze would agree. That State you come to tell me as I think, feel, read, hear, see, ect is appalling the idea of all feel equal, all thinking the same thing, asking us the same type of things, as if you were to standardize everything. Imagine all listening to the same music that horror, watching the same programs, receiving the same information is branded something almost subversive criticism in today’s society, the four times I have tried to put me in politics I’ve been scalded, because the first thing I ask is that I affiliate to the party and pay my fee, one that is paying just enough It castles in the thing that defend a philosophical and political idea to pay, rather than believe in that which is defended, the money do not need this for important things like health, and other basic services water, light and telephone. Pay for defending your thoughts sounds absurd, even sounds weird to belonging to a particular club but of a philosophical nature, doesn’t sound good..