Tag: news
Latin American
It is very valid when you point, that should create value, take seriously the importance of investigating about the reality of the business, understand the problems and interact with enterprises in the country or region. Publish the results of the successful information, aspect that leaves a great deal to say in the postgraduate Areas of the country in this genre, where only IESA, it makes through its publication of Debate, sometimes with books and magazines constantly. You have to motivate teachers to publish, at least scientific articles, about these topics, where to express their opinions, suggestions, den became new knowledge favouring those who are involved in this sector. You may want to visit Ali Partovi to increase your knowledge. The Areas of postgraduate need teachers who have already reached doctorate in order to take charge of the training of aspiring mastery, because it supposes are a guarantee in the knowledge to teach and motivate that new knowledge will be generated. Definitely, the Areas of postgraduate national in regard to business administration should arrogate more linking research to the problems facing Venezuelan companies, especially SMEs and thus to determine what knowledge that should offer to the participants in the postgraduate that really benefits them and collaborate with the development of the sector where they work, therefore with the country. Free copy of curriculum from other countries and create himself according to what is really needed. Can not remain isolated from the Venezuelan reality and take more seriously, that didn’t even include their global postgraduates in the ranking of higher, nor even Latin American studies ensuring educational excellence, professionals who provide knowledge that will contribute in development, success, where we clearly manifests that are known to face the challenges, changes and opportunities.
Organizational Health Systems
Co-authors: DRA. .Barbara Bibiana Rodriguez Dominguez; Industrial Engineer. Jose Alberto Navarro Dominguez introduction. Organizations have a purpose, goals of survival; they go through life cycles and face problems. More info: Dermot McCormack. They have a personality, a need, a character and are considered marginal, with process of socialization, standards and its own history. All of this is related to culture, which in recent years has been recognized the important role that plays in an organization.
(1) The organizational culture serves as a frame of reference to the members of an organization and provides guidelines about how people should be driving in them. On many occasions the culture is so clear that you can see people’s behavior change at the time which passes the door of the organization. The Cuban health system is in the process of organizational transformation, and have been alluded to and interpreted very superficially interveners aspects such as organizational culture, important to incorporate pattern of general behavior, through the transmission of beliefs and values shared by its members, and lead to internal cohesion and deepening of the sense of belonging. (2), important and strategic aspects to generate enough energy and meaning, that mobilize to the Organization and its human resources in the process of change and development. Hence the motivation to provide theoretical tools to make organizational culture known, used and incorporated as a fundamental pillar for the transformation and development of the health development organizations. Organizational culture is a new perspective that allows you to understand and improve organizations. It is implied, invisible and informal. There is a high level of abstraction, it affects the behavior of the Organization, making rational many attitudes that unite people, affecting their way of thinking, feeling and acting.
Charles Dickens Bleak House
Four years after the death of the rabbit a judge has taken away the reason on the complaint of the inheritance of her octogenarian husband. The two original heirs, Anna Nicole Smith and the son of her husband, have died in the course of 14 years who has been litigating. The long legal battle that the deceased model Anna Nicole Smith started over 14 years ago to become part of the heritage of her millionaire husband concluded Friday with a verdict against him, four years after his death. The United States Supreme Court had put an end, by a vote of 5-4, to a struggle between heirs – those of Smith, who died in 2007, and the oil Tycoon j. Howard Marshall died in 1995 – the heritage of 1.6 billion dollars (1,123 million euros) of the latter. The model of Playboy, who had married Marshall a year before the death of the octogenarian Tycoon, when she was 26 years old, alleged that her wealthy husband, who had honored her with gifts amounting to $ 8 million (5.6 million of) euros), had promised you also a generous portion of his fortune: some 300 million dollars (210 million euros). However, in his testimony, magnate bequeathed virtually all his assets to his son, Pierce Marshall, who also died in 2006 and whose heirs were now fighting for the case. After several courts give reason to the son of the billionaire, the explosive model managed a bankruptcy court granted 475 million dollars (333 million euros) of the inheritance, amount to a federal court reduced in 2002 to 89 million (62.4 million euros).
But the majority of the Supreme Court on Friday invalidated that verdict, leaving the daughter and legal heir to Smith, Dannielynn Birkhead, without seeing a single dollar (0.70 euros) which was his stepfather. We conclude that, although the bankruptcy court had the legal authority to give a verdict on appeal, it lacked the constitutional authority to do so, wrote Judge John Roberts in the verdict, cited by the ABC network. Not escaped to judge the tone of saga of the everlasting case, which compared to the novel by Charles Dickens Bleak House (bleak house). This case, the case of the time, has become complicated so that there are no two lawyers who can talk about five minutes without reaching a total disagreement over all the premises, wrote Roberts quoting a famous paragraph of the work. Countless children have been born during the cause, countless young people have married her, and sadly, the original parts have died by it, he continued.Those words were not written about this case, but so it should have been, concluded the judge. Multimillion-dollar inheritance will remain for the time being in the hands of the heirs of Pierce Marshall, although Smith’s family still appeal the case in other lower courts, in the hope that the saga has not closed at all.
Reform Constitutional
/ VIDEO: ATLAS of the PP leader has said that the Constitution with crystal clarity what the Magna Carta reform requires a rrendum and what not. Mariano Rajoy believes that today is a feeling in Spanish society which cannot spend as he has spent in recent times. The President of the PP Mariano Rajoy, has stated that the Constitution with crystal clarity what the Magna Carta reform requires a rrendum and what not, and added that the reform raised now, according to the Constitution, does not require rrendum. Rajoy, who has visited the cooperative of subtropical fruits Trops, in Velez-Malaga (Malaga) has reminded journalists that until now, the Constitution was amended only once, after the adoption of the Maastricht Treaty, without rrendum, because the Constitution said that the reform of that article not needed for popular consultation. It also considers that today is a feeling in society Spanish that you can not spend as he has spent in recent times, and is something that think the PP and also people who have given their trust to the PSOE and other political forces. In the future, God will provide to asked whether reform should be used to modify other aspects as the priority of the male in the succession to the Crown, has said that he favoured only for reform by choosing well the moment, knowing exactly to what was being done and that there are things that require rrendum and others that do not. At this time, shortly after the general election, I am not in favour raise other reforms, it has pointed to Rajoy, who added that in the future, God will provide. It has highlighted that this is a reform that is made in the last part of the legislature that he had claimed more than one year ago and they are doing many European countries, and has qualified as a major structural reform, with which the PP is in favour.
September Celtic Glasgow
UEFA prohibits validate the results of Group I, including the triumph of Atletico de Madrid on Thursday before the Scottish Assembly. Celtic was ranked of the Zion in the competition, excluded in the previous round. Group I consists of Rennes, Atletico, Celtic and Udinese. The Swiss Vaud cantonal court announced Friday that it prohibits UEFA to validate the results of the matches of Group I of the Europa League 2011/12? and therefore overrides his classification until implemented interim measures issued on 13 September. UEFA has already confirmed on the same day the exclusion of Swiss FC Sion participate in the Europa League, site occupied Glasgow Celtic. Atletico Madrid won 2-0 to Celtic on Thursday with goals from Falcao and Diego. According to the Ordinance of the cantonal Swiss Court that result would not have validity, he says FC Sion in his web. The Swiss Court insisted that this measure is immediately Executive.
Already at the time this Court ordered UEFA to admit to Zion as Member of the Europa League and appealed that the Agency reconsider the undue alignment of six players from the Zion. On 2 September Celtic Glasgow took the plaza of the Zion after UEFA accepted the claim of the Scottish club, which had been eliminated by the Swiss club in the preliminary round. Glasgow Celtic joined Rennes, Atletico de Madrid and Udinese in Group I of the Europa League. Source of the news: A Swiss Court demands that I will override the Celtic in the Europa League group
It has just been presented the annual report on the development of the information society 2010 eEspana, created by the Orange Foundation. As meaningful data, the report shows that the Spanish Internet users are big users of social networks. In particular, Spain is situated above the European average in this aspect, mainly with Internet users under the age of 40, still Facebook and Tuentu which agutinan the greatest number of users. According to data from the report, Tuenti users, more young people make more frequent than the Facebook use. In the section on peer to peer, which are used to share information between two or more users on the network, the report indicates that since these networks have fostered the exchange of subject to copyright files many criticisms have originated.
Data concerning this topic have SCADA of another study on the same matter prepared by the consulting firm NPD Group. In regional terms, Madrid is the best region on the so-called index convergence of the information society (ICSI), ahead of Catalonia, Aragon and Asturias. The crisis has re-opened the distances between less developed regions and the leader, the report says. Recent convergence posts are occupied by the Canary Islands, Extremadura, Castillas – La Mancha and Murcia. You can download the full report by clicking here. Should also be noted, that the majority of Spanish users are daily connect to Peer to Peer networks. Being a 36% statistic every day, 32 percent on weekends, 22% occasionally and 10% at specific times.
Social Networking
October 17, 2015
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In one of my conversations with a client who contacted us via Factbook, I recommended you change your profile picture since it was somewhat provocative and showed it to him on a remote island using only your swimsuit. His answer was: since I’ve uploaded that photo of profile I’ve doubled the number of friends in the Factbook and thats what counts. It is really so? That same customer could not get work by a worrying amount of months. To know more about this subject visit Steven Johnson. Today, employers tend more and more to evaluate the candidate using new and varied methods. Which includes the search for the candidate in various social networks. Facebook, My Space, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.
Since we are exposed in a natural and unstructured manner. Is there any direct connection?. It is questionable. Is it perhaps just? Probably not. Must we commit ourselves only to please potential employers? Not at any cost.
Are these questions relevant? Vaguely. Maintain the stance that our main goal is to find a suitable job, must be aware of all the factors that can influence to find it and try to deal with them. Those who were able to take advantage of this potential hidden already have used social networks in your favor. A full professional profile can make a difference, and if you know how to make use of the same, shall be taken advantage over other candidates less aware of this aspect. I, in my case, not think it prudent to affirm that the big brother concept has infiltrated the labour market, at least yet. However, the job search still so complex as it is, and staying aspects beyond our reach, we must be alert and take advantage of each and every one of the aspects that can influence the job search. Wishing success to all hunters working there by the world, Ilil Lavi, Ser1.ARG are grateful to the DRA. Natali Chizik for their kind collaboration.