
December 23, 2015


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This can facilitate, much, the services of the specialist, at the same time where it diminishes the possible risks and relative costs to the transport of the patient and/or the image of diagnosis. The systems of communications, as the videoconferncia and the e-mail, allow the doctors of diverse specialties to consult colleagues and patients more frequently, and to keep excellent resulted of these consultations. The telecirurgia or the electronic contribution between places on telecirurgia makes with that surgeons with advising and the aid of experienced surgeons. The continuous advances of the technology create new systems of assistance the patients that they will extend the edge of the benefits that offers the Telemedicina much more of what it exists now. Ademais, the Telemedicina offers a bigger access to the education and the medical research, in special for the students and the doctors who if find in distant regions. World-wide the Medical Association recognizes that, the spite of the positive consequences of the Telemedicina, exists many ethical and legal problems that if present with its use. In special, when eliminating a consultation in a common place and the personal interchange, the Telemedicina modifies some traditional principles that regulate the relation doctor-patient.

Therefore, it has certain norms and ethical principles that must apply the doctors who use the Telemedicina. Rank that this field of the Medicine is growing so quickly, this Declaration must be revised periodically in order to assure that if it deals with the more important problems most recent and. Types of Telemedicina: The possibility of that the doctors use the Telemedicina depends on the access to technology and this are not the same in all the parts of the world. Without being exhausting, the following list describes the uses most common of the Telemedicina in the world of today. An interaction between the doctor and the geographically isolated patient or that if it finds in a way that does not have access to a local doctor.