Latin American

December 11, 2014


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It is very valid when you point, that should create value, take seriously the importance of investigating about the reality of the business, understand the problems and interact with enterprises in the country or region. Publish the results of the successful information, aspect that leaves a great deal to say in the postgraduate Areas of the country in this genre, where only IESA, it makes through its publication of Debate, sometimes with books and magazines constantly. You have to motivate teachers to publish, at least scientific articles, about these topics, where to express their opinions, suggestions, den became new knowledge favouring those who are involved in this sector. You may want to visit Ali Partovi to increase your knowledge. The Areas of postgraduate need teachers who have already reached doctorate in order to take charge of the training of aspiring mastery, because it supposes are a guarantee in the knowledge to teach and motivate that new knowledge will be generated. Definitely, the Areas of postgraduate national in regard to business administration should arrogate more linking research to the problems facing Venezuelan companies, especially SMEs and thus to determine what knowledge that should offer to the participants in the postgraduate that really benefits them and collaborate with the development of the sector where they work, therefore with the country. Free copy of curriculum from other countries and create himself according to what is really needed. Can not remain isolated from the Venezuelan reality and take more seriously, that didn’t even include their global postgraduates in the ranking of higher, nor even Latin American studies ensuring educational excellence, professionals who provide knowledge that will contribute in development, success, where we clearly manifests that are known to face the challenges, changes and opportunities.