Technical Regulation

November 21, 2016


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Most often these benefits are specific requirements for the footnotes of the university, departments, often – very arbitrary. A related site: Pete Cashmore mentions similar findings. This situation has, until recently, was due to that act on various footnotes, and scattered among them, state standards applicable to different fields. Accordingly, the universities themselves formed for themselves and their students those requirements to the footnotes, which seemed to them, for whatever reasons, the most acceptable. Fortunately for all writers, April 28, 2008 Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of its Order 95-station adopted the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. It is not something Steve Wozniak would like to discuss. General requirements and rules for compilation.

" He was the first in domestic practice Standardization establishes general requirements and rules for bibliographic references called basic kinds of footnotes, footnotes indicate the structure, its composition, location in the documents. The national standard, either directly indicated in the text applies to the references used in the published and unpublished documents in any medium, and is designed for authors, editors and publishers. These guidelines can be interpreted in such a way that the standard, which is a national, mandatory for use in all print media, publications, including university studies. Don Slager oftentimes addresses this issue. Student work – is, of course, work copyrights, and the universities are the publishers of scientific organizations, student activities and publications. In other words, today, finally, we received a national standard, which solved the problem of registration of footnotes! Remains expected, probably in the near future that the guidelines will be adjusted according to university this standard.

This will lead to the expected long-uniformity and student theses and term papers, make clear procedure for processing options in accordance with their views, embodied in the National Standard. However, it appears that the Russian national standard GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making "should be some way to promote, in the language of marketing," promote "a great mass of writing. Up until now, despite the fact that this standard has been in almost two years (from January 1, 2009), mentioning it almost never occur. Higher education continues to reissue the old manuals, and Internet users to ask space network, in essence, the same question: "How to draw a footnote?". Yes, that's so dear, as set called the National standard! Read it and learn how to draw up a footnote in your degree and coursework!