School Professors

December 17, 2018


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The ethics allow in them to search criteria to define what it is to be good and morally correct. To if it relates directly with the time, the culture and the society, we can say that the ethics are a reflective and adaptativo concept. The proposal of the work is to inside argue the importance of the ethics of the schools in a dialogue between professors and pupils. The study it has character of bibliographical revision and was constituted of critical revisions preferential that they approached the subject. Previously, the ethics or the moral were inserted in the school as a doctrinal form of education of the politically correct one, in the current conjuncture, the ethics is required again inside of the resumes with a look of freedom and construtivismo and respect. The challenge now is introduziz it and to reach the child, remembering that the commitment of education of moral habits and ethical is ability of all the society. Words Keys: Pertaining to school ethics, professors, pupils.

INTRODUCTION The study of the judgments of appreciation to the behavior human being characterizing it of the point of view of the good and the evil; the ethics, thus defined, then allow in them to search criteria to define what it is to be good or morally certain that in supplies explanations to them our sense of having moral. When saying that a person ‘ ‘ she does not have tica’ ‘ , normally she means that it does not obey the behaviors for rules , In short impossible today, somebody not to present itself as ‘ ‘ person tica’ ‘ or respectable. Perhaps paradoxicalally, never the complaints on the human behavior have been so frequent and radical. After all, if it has lived moments of difficult definition of values.