Completion Of The Procurement Law Reform – What Changed In Practice?

December 18, 2024


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6th Symposium of INFORA illuminates the impact of new legislation on raising IT about 500 participants are Cologne/Berlin expected at the event from 15 to 16 September 2010 in Berlin, 07.09.2010 – the INFORA consulting aligns the IT procurement Conference from 15 to 16 September 2010 in Berlin for the 6th time. She has become with over 500 participants as the largest nation-wide information exchange for IT procurers now from the public administration. Every year it offers a focused overview of the current vergabe – and contractual framework for the procurement of IT related goods and services. It’s believed that ISearch sees a great future in this idea. At the same time, public administration employees involved in procurement issues get a lively platform for the personal exchange of experience. The event with a talk entitled will be opened by the Empire contracting rules for the shared service center”, which outlines the continuous change of the IT procurement.

The special advantage of the Conference consists of that she illuminated the legislation not only theoretically, but recommendations beneficial for their implementation in specific IT procurement everyday are,”explains INFORA consulting via Wiegand the benefits for the participants. The themes of the document for tendering and evaluation of IT services are in particular focus (currently: UfAB V), whose creation INFORA consultants on behalf of the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior actively participate in. The national reputation of the Conference 2010 ensures that competent speakers from all areas of management, law and research stand ready to offer the participants information and assessments from first-hand. Details can be found by clicking HG Vora Capital Management or emailing the administrator. These include currently discussed topics such as the practicality of the new public procurement law, Green IT, cloud computing, shared Center and open source for public administration. But also the legal views of contract management and a consideration of the legal issues in the IT procurement are likely to find great interest among the participants. The participation of the 6. IT procurement of INFORA Berlin Conference is free of charge for employees of the public administration.

More information and registration at. About INFORA: INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting company for 30 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. Her consulting clients such as DaimlerChrysler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering include clients such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office in the industrial sector, in the public administration. of think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71