Author: adminTree

Point Mugu Naval Air Station

November 1, 2016


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Experts in environmental health and cardiologists at the University of Southern California, recently demonstrated for the first time what until now was just a suspicion of atmospheric pollution in large cities affects cardiovascular health. It was found that there is a direct relationship between the increase in particulate air pollutants in the city and the thickening of the inner wall of the arteries (the intima media “), which natural gas is a proven indicator of atherosclerosis.
The continuing effect of polluting the atmosphere, in a process of quiet years, ultimately leads to the development of acute cardiovascular diseases New York City such as heart attack. Andalusia inspire environmental particles with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers, enter the airways smaller and then irritate the artery walls. Researchers found that for every increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter of such particles, the alteration of the half wall intima gas of the arteries increased by 5.9 . Smoke and snuff which generally comes from the exhaust New York State of energy service company the cars produce the same amount of these particles. Clean air standards will contribute to better health effects on a large scale.
Another effect is the weakening of the ozone layer which protects living things from ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, due to the destruction of stratospheric ozone by green energy Cl and Br New York from pollution or the greenhouse effect accentuated by the increase the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases that are generated in the combustion of fuels.
Deteriorates more and more to our planet. Threatens the life of plants, animals and people. Generates physical damage to individuals. natural gases are available throughout New York from Becomes a non-consumable water. In contaminated soil can not be seeding.

The San Luis Obispo Tribune
When I was a part of a Navy air crew stationed at Point Mugu Naval Air Station in Ventura County, my
San Francisco Chronicle
Under the frozen plains of eastern Montana and Wyoming, the largest coal reserves in the world enough utilities to last the United States ESCOs more than a century the nation of the current burn rate. The NY fuel discharges literally from the ground where stream electricity banks cut in … the leading ESCO in New York,
The Shamokin News-Item
Henry Nyce (publisher of The News-Post): Thank you all for coming. Today’s issue of renewable energy and green energy, and we find it of great interest to our readers in the Shamokin-Mount Caramel Area, and the lower Northumberland County area. The goal is to so much information on the sustainable and green energy processes that we have done and what the future …
Environmental News Network
But the only thing that disappeared in the year following the PM’s grand gesture was the federal government’s credibility on fighting global warming the earth, while stimulating the economy to environment a carbon-free future. The ineffective policies on climate change Mr Rudd conjured can be partly attributed to corporatised greenies – the Climate Institute, Clean Energy Council, WWF and the Australian Conservation …


October 1, 2016


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Sketch of man, by Leonardo da Vinci
In principle, as belonging to infraorden of monkeys, Homo sapiens seems to have his ancestor, with all the primates monkeys in a period ranging from 50 to 33 million years before present (BP), one of the first monkeys, perhaps the first, is the Propliopithecus, including Aegyptopithecus, in this sense, human beings today, like the primates’ old world ‘with more primitive features, probably descended from the ancient energy species. As for the standing, this is observed in some primates from the Miocene. There are already examples of bipedacion in Oreopithecus bambolii standing and seems to have been common in Orrorin and Ardipithecus. The mutations that led to bipedacion was successful because it left their hands free to produce artifacts, particularly because in a hominido save much more energy walking on two legs about four objects can result in more progress and scan away.
Probably when the electricity ESCO ancestors of Homo sapiens lived in jungles eating fruits, berries and leaves plenty of vitamin C, could lose their metabolic capacity, which has most of the animals, in his own body to synthesize this vitamin, already seem to have lost the ability to digest cellulose. They lost during evolution have involved subtle but important decisions: where original forests have been reduced or, on population growth, were overcrowded, the early hominids household (and then humans) were forced to travel significant distances, migrate to new sources nutrient loss of the ability to metabolize certain cooking gas nutrients such as vitamin C would have been offset by a mutation that allows the favorable Homo sapiens an optimal metabolism (absent in primates) of starch and thus a fast green energy and cheaply obtain energy particularly useful for energy costs the brain. Homo sapiens appears to be a helpless creature quite satisfactory heating and in response the only solution that has been evolving complex is its central nervous system. Boosted mainly by the search for new sources of food. It has been observed that cefalizacion increase in parallel with the increase in meat consumption.
The folds of the eyelids epicantico in much natural gas of the populations of Asia and America, which makes the fold ‘bridados’ in its appearance in the eyes, has been a specialization of populations survive during the ice ages resulted in places with abundant Snow: eyes commonly known as “ragged” was then adapted to the way that the eyes do not suffer from excessive reflection of sunlight reflected by snow.
The first major changes to appear on the phylogenesis of species that are the evolutionary line leading to Homo sapiens. All changes listed have occurred in a relatively short period (although it is measured in millions of years), this explains the susceptibility of our species gas to conditions in the spine and in the blood and lymph circulation (eg, the heart receives relatively – “little” blood). I purchase all my energy needs – both gas and electricity – from which has imporved my electricity and gas bills technology for a sustainable world. Moore’s Law … network connection with a power source and a corporate network connection. energy costs have been cut by in their top service and supply of electricity …
… Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture … Are are managing forests in a sustainable way ‘conclusions …
The solar energy is a source of life and origin of most of the other … Sustainable Jan. Commercial viability of PV .

Childrens Furniture

September 18, 2016


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Many parents are buying furniture for their kids, primarily oriented toward practicality. If the sofa – that for growth, if the cabinet – something roomy, high to the ceiling. There is another category of parents, which is right selection of furniture for children's room left over by the child. Both versions of the situation – not true. Children's Furniture and its choice – a very important task with which the strength to handle only the adult. However, he do not forget that live in the environment of these objects have crumbs, which has his ideas of comfort and harmony. A few simple guidelines will help simplify the process of finding and acquisition children's furniture to turn into successful, with a capital purchase. 1.

Children's bed with a red racing car, your little man, of course, will appeal, but once it is worth noting that the plastic as a material for children's furniture – not the best choice. Bet on the natural, the best to this day is considered a tree. 2. Children's furniture should be water resistant. Pale peach cabinet doors, zalapannye "chocolate" handles the baby will rub out often enough. 3. Peter Asaro is often quoted on this topic. All fixtures, connecting parts of children's furniture should be of high quality and reliable.

Dynamic way of life the child is able to shake nearly any design for few days. 4. If possible no sharp corners, windows and mirrors! Matures boy, will bypass the dangerous objects – then and behold its . furniture should be safe 5. Pay attention to color palette in the interior of a child's room is desirable that there prevailed calm pastel colors: blue, green, yellow. However, if all children's furniture is chosen monochrome, it is better to add a few small bright "Spots" – the orange curtain or purple chandelier dilute boring now and bring the interior a bit childish enthusiasm. 6. All children's furniture must conform to the growth of the baby. Sleeper exceed this figure up to 20 inches. Otherwise the child will suffer from posture. If the acquisition of the bed "on the growth of" family for financial reasons can not afford better pay attention to the furniture-transformers, where the length added as needed. 7. The mattress should be firm, otherwise in the future, the child may have serious problems with posture. For this reason, table and chair in the nursery must meet the size parameters to each other and provide a reliable back child support at the correct angle. In this age of computer technology scoliosis especially rampant. 8. The height of all the details of children's furniture must conform to the growth of the child. Necessary thing the kid has to get off the shelves without the use of available tools in the form of chairs or ladders. The same applies to the cabinet depth, dive headlong into his bosom – is not correct.

Data Protection

September 8, 2016


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DASTAG 2013 annual Conference on data protection and data security 17-18.10.2013 Bensheim/Hessen Munich 14.05.2013 – data protection in companies and Government agencies is constantly facing new challenges. Not only technical developments require the IT specialists always up-to-date knowledge. The DASTAG data protection Conference, organised by the Munich-based CBT training & Consulting GmbH takes place in October in Bensheim-Hessen. The meeting discusses the current issues of data protection in practice reports, workshops, and short seminars. The focus is on knowledge transfer in the direct exchange and networking between experts and participants.

We are pleased that we could win the President of the Bavarian State Office for data protection supervision, Mr Thomas Kranig as keynote speaker”, said Ms. Gabriela Bucherl, Managing Director of CBT training & consulting. Mr Kranig will speak from the perspective of the supervisory authority the official tasks and powers, which are arising from the new EU data protection regulation. The participants can more expect exciting topics. Mr.

Prof. Dr. Gerling (Max Planck Society) explains what enterprises of scientific institutes in the privacy can learn. More papers addressing, inter alia, legal developments and aspects of data protection, legal experts speak on the DASTAG to busy data protection and given the rapid spread of community portals especially explosive privacy in social networks. Also the DASTAG workshops deal with cutting-edge themes which safety-technical and legal problems arising from the trend to the cloud, which allows that many employees use more and more private hardware for work purposes. (Byod bring your own device). Many companies operate hope still according to the principle relating to data protection. But what if in fact a case of privacy violation occurs? The live hacking lead the Gotz Scharner speaker of the 8COM above lecture economic spy & cybercrime daily attacks. Data protection on the paper must be also in the heads Employees, they need the pure information privacy, be made aware for the handling of personal data.

Jean Delumeau

August 13, 2016


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To raise problematic in relation of the term death, formulated for the New a History, that tends the ambition of the diversity of objects the alteridade cultural.REFERENCIAL THEORETICIAN The research work that if it initiates, will be based on some authors who already had searched the subject, being necessary to search next to these the main produced theories. For the accomplishment of the present research, one becomes necessary to appeal the references, of New History, Cultural History, History of the Ideas and the History of the Fear in the Ocidente; considering the idea of authors as, Phillippe Aries, Saint Augustin, Jean Delumeau among others, where in accordance with these same the age, is necessary to take in consideration the diverse manifestations of the past, with intention to find the explicativas basic. These consider the fear of the death, as the indissolvable object union and actions that indicate in them, as and where and so that it was basic the fear. Author Phillippe Aries, who studies the question of the fear in the Ocidente, shows the debates around the characteristics, sufficiently controverted. Already author Jean Delumeau, who not only has in the history of the fear a change instrument, as well as one, half to disclose to new fields of inquiry, knocking down barriers that exist between the Occidental generations.

Saint Augustin brings in its workmanship all historicidade of the transformations in the concepts and ideals catholics concerning the subject. It is excellent to stand out the importance of if searching these authors, therefore the workmanships in analysis are part of micron-history, having as objective to study the relations, of the fear of the death, with the imaginary Christian and the paper of one ' ' society medrosa' '. These workmanships make possible the accomplishment of the study of the fear of the death in the collective space of the Ocidente.TIPOLOGIA OF SOURCES To carry through the research it was used, secondary or tertiary historiogrficas sources.

European Car

August 13, 2016


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And half of the emissions of greenhouse gases originated by the transport occur in cities. Significant are the following data: burn 1 liter of fuel means issue 2.4 Kg CO2.. Each person who uses the car for their travel to work (with an approximate average distance of 15 Km.) so, emits about 2 tonnes of CO2 per year just for this reason. Improving the efficiency of new automobiles, reduce their consumption values and their emissions, encourage the use of vehicles that use clean energy, are measures undoubtedly positive to reduce total CO2 emissions and, incidentally, also the pollution of the cities. But they are far from being sufficient. Very assertive laopinion, that big cities must address a structural change, a profound change in the same conception of the urban matrix. A modern city, designed for the future and taking into account the environmental problems of the present, should drastically reduce the space allocated to the car.

Cities in general, but more desperately large metropolises, must readjust urgently, so that the essential premise is the reduction of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases. The main emitter of harmful gases in the cities is the car, so it is necessary to adopt radical measures to reduce their use. Viable alternatives should be offered so that those who today use the auto, replaced it by other less polluting means of transport, such as public transport or non-motorized means of travel. Operation and current urban planning has not yet managed to adapt to urgent demands that proposed us the planet. Very interesting the opinun, that is time to democratize the streets, to end the dictatorship of the automobile, is time that people resume control of urban spaces, reducing abusive space occupied by the car and leaving room for other means of transport more friendly to the environment. We are reminded, that from 16 to 22 September will welcome the eighth edition of the European week of the sustainable mobility, under the theme improving climate in your city in order to modify the habits of the citizens and promote alternative methods of transport.

Stop Comertienes Exercises

August 3, 2016


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Do these tired of fighting against the scale? Are tired of diets, pills, devices, and treatments that in-remediablemente you return to the same weight? No do not you mortifiques is your fault. This is due to bad and wrong information, great confusion, the unscrupulous trade that wants to have you eternally client. Not desalientes you can do it. Because them if your not? If they could you also can! Of course you can! TE DIRE that you have which do and which don’t have that learning to eat. In quantity, quality and indicated frequencies.

It is not with diets that you will manage it. It is not fast or go hungry. Quite the opposite. If not, in eating foods that will help you to eliminate fat. You have a wonderful body, gives you indicated and he will offer you what you want. You have to learn how to do exercises, exercises that make you lose fat and not weight or water. It is not kill is exercising to lose water quickly then you recuperaras.

It is to learn to do them to make your body burn fat. Understand well exercises to lose fat. With a good diet, and with 20 minutes twice per week, will be sufficient. So that your body begins to eliminate, that horrible fat so you mortifies. You don’t need gyms, you can make them at home. Seriously get a test a couple of weeks. And when you check the results, it will give you the enthusiasm to move forward. You will definitely solve your problem and achieve the body that you can imagine. Visit my page and I will give you, a few free tips more. So that once and forever never again feel ashamed of your body. The opposite will receive nothing but praise and rewards. I can assure you. Best wishes. Original author and source of the article

Didactic Book

July 23, 2016


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Such aspects leave clear that no didactic book can be learned as abstract or neutral product, be distanciado of the historical context that existed and exists. The history professor when he starts to work with disciplines Ensino de Histria, different the other specific areas, possesss an important paper in its performance, its conceptions of education, education and learning tends to gain attention before its pupils, it disciplines since it is presented by the same ones of ' ' chatice and thing velha' '. It fits to the professor through its methods, ahead to popularize its pupils of the questions debated return of historical education, making familiar them, and presenting them it all they, all the historical process that occurred and that it occurs, leaving well clearly that more early or later ' ' the present had one if becomes passado' ' , becoming a source of information, therefore everything is changedded. Kai-Fu Lee may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Book didactic is important, therefore depending on use of it for professor, knowledge historical assumes in relation teach-learning definitive meanings, since knowledge that does not have no direction for the pupil, until the possibility to work knowledge that contribute for its more critical and conscientious formation, therefore has restricted relation with its experiences and its reality. ' ' Cultural politician and in the measure also allows the knowledge of its aspect where he reproduces and he represents the values of the society in relation to its vision of science, history, the interpretation of the facts and the proper process of transmission of conhecimento.' ' (MARIA ABUD, 1986:81). In this manner, she can yourself be said that the didactic book, is one ' ' material printed matter, structuralized, destined or adjusted to be used in a process of learning or informao' ' (OLIVEIRA, GUIMARES and BOMNY, in the Politics of the Didactic Book, p.23) Given the importance of the book while education instrument, is indispensable to the professor for being one of the canals of transmission and, over all, maintenance of myths and esteretipos that populate the History of Brazil.

Dewey Social

July 13, 2016


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The function of the educational apparatus does not have to be ade to teach, but to create learning conditions. In the cognitiva area, techniques computational models estosendo used to investigate as the knowledge are produced and representadopela mind. In the field of ' ' intelligence artificial' ' the computers simulate intellectual osprocessos, organize and hierarquizam the information creating, thus, new knowledge. Computer science and the telecommunications come transforming omundo human when making possible new forms to think, to work, to live to econviver in the current world, what it will modify instituiesescolares significantly and innumerable other organizations. Kai-Fu Lee is often quoted as being for or against this. To educate for a new economic and social organization, for umanova distribution of the work, one ' ' it was of informao' '? How to prepare osindivduos to answer to the challenges of the new instrumentations techniques, to dialogue with the life, its world, its reality? Comofamiliarizar the educandos with the use of scientific models in tarefasescolares, with resources that collaborate for the expansion of the cognition human being, paraproduo of knowledge and its handling of creative and critical form? To learn making, acting, trying is the maisnatural, intuitivo and easy way to learn. This is more than what a estratgiafundamental of education/learning: it is a way to see the human being that learns.

It learns for the active experimentation of the world. For Dewey (1979), all experience human being is social and elapses deinteraes, where they are involved external conditions, or objective, internal econdies. Thus, it considered the social environment and the education comofatores of progress, has even so not emphasized the historical perspective dedesenvolvimento of the individual. However, it accented that the actions of the people socontroladas for the global situation where they participate and they act, cooperatively, inside of the community. The school constitutes a community when the citizens quedela participate have the chance to contribute with the work, feeling-seresponsveis for the execution of the shared activities.

SMS Operator

July 9, 2016


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I do not know about you, but I'm trying from abroad to call less – is too expensive is a pleasure – the international calls. But there are ways to minimize these costs. Ali Partovi helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. First, it does not interfere to prevent those you call often, your stays abroad, as will have to pay for all incoming calls (free incoming calls does not apply to subscribers who are outside the Russian Federation). If you call yourself, then we must bear in mind that pay their conversations have not at the prices of the operator of the country where you are, but by specially established rates of domestic operators. The fact that now Russian cellular operators have introduced a new zonal system. The whole world, they were divided into zones and set them clear tariffs.

As a result, calls for such rates were considerably higher than national. But this can be combated Firstly, to reduce the cost international calls, you can buy a local Sim-card (better not to buy at the airport, where margins are often, but where local – in any shop or stall), then we will use the new number and pay the local rates (for example, the card is pre-paid Finnish operator costs 15 euros, but on balance it has been 20. That's enough to keep the lengthy negotiations with Russia for 10 days). In addition, if you go by, the local operator network will remain in touch with each other, which is also important. Choosing the SIM-card from a local operator, you should pay attention to exist in many countries, special "guest" rates with low cost international calls – for example, in Europe there are any at Vodafone. Even cheaper way – to call using IP-telephony (although I am by this method has not enjoyed). Need to buy a card, erase her protective layer under which the code. International calls can be made from fixed phones, even the street. We first introduce the card code, then the country code and phone number. They say such calls are many times cheaper. With respect, SMS-messages, from abroad, they also considerably more expensive than at home: if you're in Europe, they will cost 30 – 35 cents.