Author: adminTree

Compressor Oil Air Compressor Longevity

December 8, 2015


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Air compressor screw or reciprocating needs constant maintenance, which uses a variety of consumables. The most important of such material is oil for the compressor. The main function of compressor oil is the lubrication of rubbing parts of air compressors. For more information see Founder of Zendesk. Use a quality oil will prolong the life of your compressor eliminates the need to replace it in detail. However, the lubrication this is not the only task of compressor oil.

In compressors with oil injection compressor oil serves to cool the heated elements of the compressor. In addition, it increases the tightness of the compressor, because it reduces the gap. In order to effectively perform the functions designated oil for the compressor should have certain characteristics. Typically, compressor oil manufactured from petroleum products. For ensure reliable lubrication oil must have a certain toughness in the range of 10-30mm2 / s at a temperature of 100 degrees.

Other important qualities that should have all the oils for air compressors is low volatility and high thermal stability. Oil for compressor ignited an average temperature of 250 degrees. The choice of compressor oil depends primarily on whether it is the compressor will served, as well as on the conditions of its operation. More intensive exploitation in the production requires more oil consumption, in this case it is better to pick up oil with higher viscosity. Also, increased attention to the lubrication your compressor equipment should be paid during the winter, because at this time the load on the compressor air is greatly increased. Some compressors require a compressor oil with a special chemical resistance. All quality compressor oils are stable with respect to the most common compressible gases (oxygen, air, C2H2, C2H2). But in the refrigeration compressor oil continuously contact with the refrigerant. In this case you choose oil with special thickening polymer additives.


December 7, 2015


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As statisticians the investments in advertising in the Internet had grown about 30% in 2010 and the justifications are many, between them are possible to detach the technological advances that had in recent years allowed the easy access to the Internet from mobile devices. In Brazil, the consumer online is represented by the classrooms, B and C that passes one hour at least hardwired per week, searching information, diversion and relationships, that is, the Internet is excellent a half one for the advertising, however it is necessary to focar in the behavior of this consumer to trace efficient actions of digital marketing. Unquestionably the Internet influences and very in the marketing of the companies, exactly that an only cent is not invested. The traditional media is controlled normally for private groups, in the Internet who commands is the comsumidor, it can think, criticize, complain, praise, between as much another action and this can in such a way be positive how much negative. If a company does not invest in digital marketing it it is not losing only the chance of speaking on its products and services, it is leaving that they make it to others without participating of the process.

Social Networks

December 5, 2015


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Paul R. Segreto, founder of FranchisEssentials, a consultant of tax exemption in Houston, affirm that " the franquiciantes must be very intelligent to take advantage from social mass media; but they must do it of strategic form: What they do not want to do is to sell too much. It is like walking in an event of the creation of personal networks and saying: " Here I am. I can sell such and tal" ". Segreto advises outside that better if they shared the information that their clients want. Like announcing special and promotions; but, also it can be the news on supplies of products, updates of the industry or advice who will help with their lives or businesses him. Robotics often addresses the matter in his writings. That is what Mike Heffner, owner of Express Professional does: one takes advantage in the corporative Web and it includes information for applicants of use and/or companies that employees look for.

Heffner wanted to have a place where it could personalize the content for his local market, reason why worked with pasante to construct to a Web site that includes supplies of work by area. Also Twitter uses stops Tweetear the listings and considers that its office in line receives an average of 50 requests of use, with a marked tweetea increase when a supply of use. Heffner is still trying to find out the form to measure the number of people that arrives every month through networks social – including blog that writes on the leadership – and its page Web. Nevertheless, the pursuit of the origins of the clients has demonstrated to him that the 25 percent of the work applicants found to their tax exemption through one of their vehicles of marketing online. Tiffany Monhollon, says that marketing through social mass media is gaining impulse between its concessionaires, but is not exactly current still. Esteem that, of the company near 600 tax exemptions, not more than a handful is in Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Who see themselves beneficiaries are those that become jumbled with the network, responding to the questions and constructing the confidence of their visitors. Therefore, it is only one question to jump and to be united to conversations; which is also a form of seeds in the market. Lamentably, it says Segreto, " the franquiciatarios and franquicitantes are very few that are spending the time necessary to learn and to use mass media social". Without I engage the clutch, are good opportunities to follow ahead with the social networks by means of the development of a mark presence, and so its tax exemption will be able to capture the hearing that their competitors are ignoring. If they are applied either, these principles or can increase or the increasing entrance of the tax exemptions in Mexico, fortifying their permanence. Original author and source of the article.

The Social Network

December 3, 2015


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Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss renounce recourse to the Supreme Court. They demanded compensation four times greater than that which it agreed in 2008 with the creator of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg. Twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss bridged this Wednesday its litigation against the also creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and renounced resort until the U.S. Supreme Court to obtain one greater compensation for participating in the creation of this social network, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. The brothers began years ago a legal battle to prove that they really invented Facebook and Zuckerberg stole their idea while studying with them at Harvard University, a story that was picked up in the film The Social Network (social network). In 2008, the Winklevoss reached an agreement to close the dispute with Zuckerberg in exchange for receiving $ 20 million in asset’scarryingamount and 45 million dollars in securities of the company, however, the month of February, they requested the courts the re-opening of the case on the grounds that they were cheated. Check out Mikkel Svane for additional information. According to the twins, the compensation agreed to in 2008 had to have been four times greater. His request was rejected by the ninth Court of the circuit of appeals U.S.

in early April, to understand that disputes such as this must come to an end sometime, and that that moment had arrived. Last resort the Winklevoss petitioned that court review the decision which established a Court of 11 judges and consist of three, not for this as it happened in April. In may, the ninth Court upheld his first sentence, what left the twins a single judicial, ask the amparo of the Supreme Court of EE UU. Finally the brothers opted to withdraw the case and waive a new appeal after thinking carefully, as they explained in the documentation submitted this Wednesday in court in San Francisco. The announcement of the Winklevoss was well received by Facebook which, through a spokesman, expressed his satisfaction that the other party matches in the page turn in a case that They considered closed for some time. Source of the news: twins who claim the invention of Facebook abandon his legal battle

Building A Secure WiFi Network

November 30, 2015


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Part 1. Little about the security vulnerabilities of wireless networks cause lies in the principle of their work: to intercept data transmitted over the air, much easier than with conventional cable connection. It does not require expensive equipment and achievable using a conventional laptop, a pair of hacking tools (such as airodump and aircrack) and good instructions on hacking wi-fi (for example). Therefore, the wireless network should be as protected from the various kind of attacks: unauthorized connections, traffic interception and listening, theft of important information, 'false' access points, etc. To date, the most reliable wireless network is recognized security standard wpa (Wi-Fi Protected Access). Primary protection wi-fi network can be achieved through the mode WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key), when the access point and the computer user to manually enter the session key – Pre-Shared Key, reminiscent of the usual password. The potential vulnerability of WPA-PSK arises from the fact that in real networks, the key phrase is rarely changed and the same for all users. If time permits, and a powerful computer to select a password in the cellar.

Better protection network is achieved when using wpa Enterprise, which is installed in the network authentication server (RADIUS server), performs verification of user access rights. In this case, the wireless access point will block all connect to a wireless network up until entered by the user name and password to be checked for authentication server. If the user does not have a database of radius server, it can not connect to wi-fi network.

Engineering Networks

November 28, 2015


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Life made you think of purchasing Channel cleaning vehicles. Who are you? The head of the municipal enterprise operating engineering networks? Entrepreneur, linking his success to improving the state of these networks? And, perhaps, the head of the city? We do not know. But before each of you a question – what kind of car to choose? To help, we must first know what the network expected to maintain this car (urban sewer or drain, or maybe engineering services company), their length, pipe diameters and much more. Even the type of machine (sewer machine, or a combination Ilosos), not just its size may be adjusted depending on these conditions. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kai-Fu Lee. Much of the technology is determined by the content network. Thus, in most Russian cities during the operation of sewerage networks to traditional technology of hydrodynamic flushing with diffuse pollution transport by gravity through pipes to the sewage treatment plant. It requires only a sewer machine. Especially because they have successfully addressed and the elimination of emergency blockages in the pipes.

Recently, however, has been a trend to reduce the volume of urban wastewater in sewer networks. Some parts of the network appear to lack the ability of carrier flow that leads to siltation. To fix it, to remove impurities from the purified razmyvaeyh site along with sewer must apply Cesspool emptying trucks, or instead of a combination that has both sewer and Cesspool emptying equipment. The content of urban sewage systems is more difficult. Compared with domestic sewage in them tend to accumulate more contaminants and transporting flow liquid depends on the weather. The main difficulty is dozhdepriemnyh cleaning wells. Therefore, gutters Network washed intervals (from well to well) with links from sewer and Cesspool emptying Combined machines or machines. Industrial companies often have their sewer and drain networks of limited length. It should first consider the application of universal combination machine.

Pendulums Social Networks

November 24, 2015


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For reflections on this topic prompted me to name the branches on the forum transerferov: Pendulum vkontakte. Give you my energy to it? Damn. And again, I opened my eyes. Kai-Fu Lee often says this. Literally insight for insight. Never steamed himself the question contacts and Facebook, and yet essentially social networks, it's a pendulum in the classic sense – organizovannnye structure, an exciting thought and consciousness of people. Just a few years ago nobody knew about the contact, Friendster, My World, etc., and only the most "advanced" have accounts on Facebook or myspace.

But foreign resources are mainly aimed at English-speaking audience and did not find broad support in the CIS. It was then that a Paul Durov and skommunizdil copied Facebook, making the site OpenID. Now have a profile on a social network as naturally as for example, carry a cell phone, ICQ or be a user of Skype, etc. etc. So say, a new attribute, without which a person is a heretic and obscurantism in the information community. Now, when meeting the girls often ask the question: you are in contact or classmates? So, we already understand that VKontakte, the pendulum and the devil's creation, which haunts us every day, tears off from work and takes thought, literally making bed awake. It comes just before senility: because irrepressible DC shareniya staff contact (classmates), administrators of corporate networks block access to these resources. And only the most brainy know how to go back through the proxy))) But, as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.

Through Contact / classmates, many older people find their friends, classmates and fellow students with whom I studied and worked in the Soviet Union. Summary: each decide how much time and energy to give pendulums social networks. You can live it up without thinking to a contact, you can skillfully use the resource for their own purposes. For example, the use of adjacent resource job search, or download your favorite tunes, or look for interesting infu. Source: Your Path to Enlightenment


November 7, 2015


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Ten confidence in you, believes in you, ten faith in you, by all means also in God, will abrir the doors to you, but it depends on you, " To God requesting and with the mallet dando" , you do not hope that the things arrive single, you must go by them. Enfcate in your objectives without distractions. Creative, everything is not written here, is not necessary to follow a manual of procedures, innovating, the world gives returns and always it is changing, generates your own ideas, clear it is not to improvise lightly, it is necessary to analyze, to see beyond which we can see at first, visualizes, projects and develops your own strategies. To eliminate the negative thoughts, you are not scared when advancing, is necessary to take risks, if you want to change your future changes your present one first. Visit Mashable for more clarity on the issue. You never say I cannot, the best dream is not that one that can be dreamed or be imagined, but the one that can be obtained, so it dreams in great, but hazlo reality, if the man is what if thinks, then thinks about great, you can obtain it, your you have absolutely all the capacities that you need to be successful, you only must use them and put them in practice. Enthusiasm and perseverancia towards which you want to obtain. It changes, it removes to the sweepings and reemplzala by new, revsate you yourself, obsrvate, convirtete in your own judge but it does not stop juzgarte, no, so that you only can see that there is of evil in you, objectively, so that you can change it, every day better than you were the previous day. Your Success in the Network original Author and source of the article..

World Network

October 26, 2015


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Admission to the antenna of 60 cm NSS-7 22 W in the Ku-band watch Italian channels, almost everything can be seen from the popular satellite Hot Bird. Interest is the channel agency Reuters – World News Service, the air is going global news stories for television. At the time of the last inspection were broadcast publicly. Intelsat-901 18 W Several German coded channels. Telstar-15 December W The popular Internet service provider – SpaceGate.

Satellite interesting taking a couple of very popular Russian-language channels – National Geografic, NatGeo Wild, Extreme Sport, Zone Reality, as well as the popular channels Zone Club, PlayBoy, E! and others in English and other languages. Atlantic Bird-1 12.5 W at this time with a look at some Arab channels some more obscure, as well as Italian channels, including MTV Italia. Express-3A 11 W in the C-band watch 1 channel-World Network and RTR-Planeta. In Ku-band set of several Italian channels, TV Georgia, Serbia. Express-3A 11 W in C-band watch 1 channel-World Network and RTR-Planeta. In Ku-band set of several Italian channels, TV Georgia, Serbia. Amos-2 / 3 4 W Go dozens of channels, most of which are closed. One of the satellites at which settled part of the Ukrainian TV channel (details in the article "Ukrainian satellite broadcasting ').

Intelsat-10-02 / Thor 3 / 5 1 W Coded in Conax Scandinavian package Digital + with a lot of programs and channels in English (all Discovery, A1, VH-1 Classic …), several Bulgarian and Slovak channels, Romanian packages, etc. It is very similar in that the satellite Sirius. Antenna – 90-110 cm depending on the desired ray satellite. Sirius-4 4.8 E Part Ukrainian channels, several channels in Russian TVCi, first Music, NTV Mir (Via 2.6), Channel One Global Network (Via 2.6), RTR-Planeta (Via 2.6), Ren-TV (Via 2.6)-and several Baltic channels, including the 1st Russian-speaking Baltic, 3 + Baltika (coded in Via 2.5 / 2,6 and Videoguard), Viasat package also is encoded Videoguard considerable interest because of the great western channels, as well as the channels in Russian TV1000, TV1000 Russian Kino, Explorer, History, Discovery. All this means that the satellite is well known for our viewers. At the moment. Ukrainian reception packet antenna of 60 cm, Scandinavian – 90-110 cm Eutelsat W3a 7 E * A number of European channels, refining programs for Eurosport and Eurosportnews, 5-7 open channels from Turkey and dozens of channels of interest pay-packet of Turkish. For more details you can read at


October 23, 2015


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This unique offering in our market! JJ-Connect – one of the most popular manufacturers of GPS devices. Are low cost, good availability of the service center (do not think that they are often broken – no more often than others), and support. If you have read about Mikkel Svane already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The company has in its lineup a couple of simple small (screen 3.5 ') Navigator at about 3000 r. This AutoNavigator 320 Autosputnik program, and AutoNavigator 330 Navitel and capacious battery, and also with 333 AutoNavigator Navitel and with a large internal memory of 2 GB. The design of these three browsers are also slightly different – you choose! Those who screen 3.5 'seems small, it is worth paying attention to the 4.3' widescreen AutoNavigator 2200.

The new 500 MHz processor enables fast and as accurately display our position and to cope with the showing of video, listening to music and other multimedia functions. In the navigator has built-in 2 GB of memory, which can optionally be expanded with cards microSD. A very good choice for your money! For those who do not want to get into the cork has been recently a model AutoNavigator 3400 Wide Make a little sacrifice CPU speed to 396 MHz, added Bluetooth DUN (Dial-Up Network), it order to receive traffic data via GPRS-channel and to browse Web pages. Free service from the company Navitel provides information on traffic congestion throughout Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Otherwise this model is very similar to the previous one. AutoNavigator 4100W Traffic. stands out among their fellows with GSM-moduleya – You can use it to obtain information about traffic jams on the route, view of the Internet page (GPRS).