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That is the Wet Clean? Wet Clean is a concept in English translated meaning washing in water or wash in damp, it counteracts a Dry Clean or wash dry that we all know. The Wet Clean or Wet Cleaning use only water and soaps 100% biodegradable which have a zero impact on the environment. Des from the point of view of the user’s dry cleaning advantages of this system are: 1 – lower prices than in the wash to dry 2 – superior quality: clothing remains soft, smells like fabric softener (and not chemical as in the dry-cleaning conventional) and colors are more brilliant. 3. Really clean clothes; Although dry washing technology has greatly improved the past few years in the clothes washed with perchloroethylene always any residue of this solvent (the typical odor of clothes washed in dry cleaning) which are carcinogens and that in allergic people are especially dangerous.
Des from the point of view of the tintorerialas professional advantages are: 1 – working in an environment 100% clean free of debris or solvents carcinogens. 2. Saving in energy, water, soaps and ecological fees, which at the same time allows you to offer prices more competitivosd customers. 3. A much smaller initial investment. Wet Clean technology is simpler and cheaper both initial investment and subsequent maintenance.
4. Without problems: washing with solvents is very aggressive and often eats drawings, trims, buttons or pieces of plastic that does not happen with water. Wet Clean technology has no disadvantages since point of view of the customer and to the Dyer, the only disadvantage is that garments need 30 seconds more than ironing with dry-cleaning conventional. Source: Press release sent by ecological. Soccer News Blog Archive bad time for ornaments to make homemade soaps in the 21st century? Workshops in Madrid Have tried the Blog alternative dry cleaning? Afro hair Madrid Free, from another point of view point of view s anti-documentary documentaries Documentary Film, Radio, Photography Presentation + Production Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Galician Research
You have been created to give answers to diseases without cure at present. Detractors of the experiment come more a business of selling of these dogs that medical objectives. They share more than 269 disease genes with humans, to dnder researchers argue the use of dogs. Research is conducted by the National University of Seoul, where the first cloned dog in history. It is not the first case of animals created with fluorescent properties for medical purposes. A few years ago knew, for example, the existence of fluorescent pigs created with a view to stem cell therapy. This summer has given to learn about new research, this time with dogs. For what exactly? Researchers seek answers to curb diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s with this curious (and controversial) method. Detractors, a formula business of sale of these dogs, whose price reaches the 100,000 dollars by puppy in the market. A group of South Korean scientists has managed to clone dogs modified human genetically and fluorescent properties that could help cure diseases and imply a new advance in medical research. On the outside of the laboratory led by Professor Lee Byeong-chun in Seoul National University can be heard barking from unique cloned dogs of the world, a milestone in the animal replication only achieved between these walls. Among them is Snuppy, an Afghan Greyhound who in 2005 became the first cloned dog in history under the direction of the controversial researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who resigned to acknowledge that he had falsified data for research on stem cells from cloned human embryos. This laboratory of the University of veterinary medicine, which was the Centre of attention of the international scientific community in 2005, has now changed the focus of his research and focuses on the cloning of dogs, a line of work that proved valid and beyond all doubt. The latest achievement of the team of Professor Lee is the creation of a dog’s breed Beagle, born in 2009, which revealed fluorescent properties while taking an antibiotic that activates his light skin, acquired by genetic manipulation. The animal is called Tagon and under ultraviolet light and a special filter shows a unique in its kind: reflects a strong green light in addition to attracting the attention of the public, might be useful to study cures to diseases. Said Lee, equal to that Tagon is activated the gene that causes your skin fluorescent green color to give you an antibiotic, you can attempt to apply a procedure similar to ailments human, so taking a medicine inducing genetic functions are activated when desired, such as a switch. The same principle inspired the creation of Ruppy, another beagle, whose DNA synthesized a protein which makes their tissues are of a red color, which in turn becomes florescente under ultraviolet light. That Ruppy vermilion color serves to demonstrate that the genetic insertion has worked, as a placeholder, it details Lee in his Office, filled with plush dogs. The Professor argues that the selection of dogs as the object of study is due to that you share more than 269 disease genes with humans, so it can serve research model for ailments like Parkinson’s disease. However, these experiments are facing great difficulty posed by cloning a dog, much larger and expensive than the process required for a mouse or a sheep, as a pioneer Dolly. But in this laboratory have managed to find him at his work for years, recognized by publications such as Time Magazine and New York Times, a lucrative part; the sale of clones of dogs who died their distressed owners. $100,000 per puppy this business is done through the private company RNL Bio, which can charge more than $100,000 per puppy, price that does not dissuade people with large incomes worldwide. In addition, Lee and his team have successfully cloned species at risk such as the Korean Wolf or create a line of dogs with the best smell for customs or to detect tumors, a quality that only have certain hounds. A Spanish research Begona Roibas, a Spaniard who came to the Center in early 2010, works on the cloning of transgenic cows that produce a protein in its milk related to the immune system. This Galician of 28 years shares facilities with a score of researchers, all of whom are South Koreans, and is dedicated to insert genetic codes in complex sequences of DNA that are subsequently introduced into the cells to clone. Source of the news: dogs cloned and engineered to glow in the dark: research or business?
Remember today, February 26, the anniversary of his death date Don Paco Martinez Soria is a pleasure. Rarely found in one person, the perfect blend of respect and gratitude and is that the actor was, by itself, a spectacle of enormous value for what is the art of interpretation. However, in Spain it seems that not only don’t we recognize that value but we forget easily that both have made us laugh. From the Spanish El Correo newspaper published in August of 1971 extract this anecdote that speaks of the greatness of Martinez Soria and that illustrates very well what we mean: on one occasion, they visited Spain a group of Russian artists and arriving in Madrid asked the director of the Teatro Maria Guerrero, that teach them in a brief tour which at that time was representing in other theatres. They were several functions and scarce, the time to be in all of them, so they decided to schedule a space of 10 minutes in each theatre.
What should be pointed out is that None of the Russians spoke Spanish, so they went from one side to another, murmuring among them and taking notes, (I guess I outside the dialog elements) in these the Eslava Theatre, where he performed our Paco and after a few minutes they arrive and to meet the strange time trial were invited to the Group of experts to leave the room, to which they flatly refused. His response, through interpreter was this: forgiveness. Here we are not moving. This actor interested extraordinarily, although we do not understand what he says. When an actor comes to scene with the strength with which Martinez Soria, did with his gestures, his gait, his huge body language, the words are unnecessary. The same have to return another group of Russians, to make us understand it.
Spanish Services
It is true that years ago the Internet was the route by which any user could very easily access articles, samples, gifts, free services promotions, had websites, even, that specialized in offering these services and gift items. I myself got, that golden age of the great network in Spain, a webcam, CDs, an ink cartridge for the printer, gift of establishments, shipments of free SMS, but everything seems to be that you eventually disappear, engullido by this tide of advertising, banners, pop up annoying, thematic portals dull, everything what is the daily life of an average Netizen, in short. But are you sure that she is not no I trace everything what?, are you sure that no longer can find is free stuff on the Internet? It might seem otherwise but is still having quite a few options for Internet users to find all kinds of resources and free services on the net great, well as possibilities not only get samples of articles or free gifts, but even receiving money in exchange for use according to what servcios. Rumor has it this month of February 2006, Microsoft prepare all an offensive against its major current competitor, which strangely, is Google, with such innvodoras measures as pay its search engine (MSN) users, either offer a limited version of its Windows operating system free but with advertising banners. In the great network market is readapting again and Internet users, we can surely benefit from it. It can only be proactive, be knowledgeable and attentive to new developments to take advantage and amortize well our bandwidth. By the way, a new Spanish form, in promotion and in beta these days, is offering the possibility of sending free SMS. If you try, it is perhaps how better you are going to have to discover that world of resources and free services, Internet still offers, for very hidden and inaccessible as it seems to find these past years.
Look at you now do feel that rebozas of hope, expectation, excitement and power? With the words you have just read I have activated a thought inside of you, and with the have your internal resources mobilized. Now your emotions attest you this clearly with those feelings that run throughout your whole body. Do you realize because I am sure when I say that you can create your lifestyle? But it will only be through to learn how to access this potential that beats in your interior, will not be ilusionando you with fairy tales. With these single stories you’ll see the years pass by your side while you remain stagnant after your computer. What you really need is something like a user’s Manual of your own insourcing. Does truth that Presidents as well? I.e.
everything you already need this inside you. If perhaps you get to need something outside you, is a good mentor who can help you and you provide reach and mobilize your internal resources. That is all that is the safe path and the shortest towards your new lifestyle. Des las vueltas que des finally going to stop to the path of your own internal resources. The smart is to take it already. You’ve already made an intelligent choice, networking. You must yourself channeling your full potential through networking, also owe all those people who you love. You and I know that world of wonders to which we aspire is enjoyed more to share it with those little people who form the family.
It projects your mind for the future. You can preview how proud that are your success. Why did you feel the joy in their faces, smile at her lips, smiling eyes. How much welfare and security you can breathe. !! Wahooo nice feeling what your friends? They will worship, want to have as much as you, you need and want to learn from you.
Internet Bookmarks
Social bookmarks are a way that Internet users to store, organize, search, share and manage bookmarks online and web pages on the Internet that are of your interest. It consists of replacing the traditional method based on browser’s folder system, encouraging users to organize their bookmarks with tags. Social marker means the storage of their sites online, assign keywords, and share them online with other users. Worldwide users save favorite websites or specific pages using your favorite social bookmarks. You can search through your bookmarks by keywords or tags, and you can access your bookmarks from any Internet connection. Almost all social bookmarking sites have the same basic characteristics as buttons for browser to save pages with just a click, RSS readers, tags and shared options.
In a system of social bookmarks, users save links to web pages that want to remember or share through the use of RSS feeds. These bookmarks can be organized in a list of tags that describe what is the site. People are always in search of information, and the search is probably the most important application on the web for those who navigate to find what you are looking for. Search engines give more relevance to which have been modified recently or sites you have added new content. It is here where the social bookmarks are a step forward, to notify users when a site has been updated through RSS feeds.
Instead of going into a search engine, write something, you can quickly simplify the items you’re looking for by using the tags. You can even search through what others have saved to the extent that they do public. Therefore, what began as a way to send to your favorite friends actually has grown to become social search engines. Social bookmarking allows others to see your favorite sites and to comment on them, creating interactivity between all markers users. Social marker has to do with the collective voice and power to the people. Since these services have matured and grown more popular, they have added extra features such as ratings and comments on bookmarks, the ability to import and export bookmarks from browsers, send bookmarks by email, web annotation, and groups or other social networking features. A social bookmark system uses a ranking of Favorites or website, based on the number of times that he has been saved by the users, while conventional search engines do a ranking of resources depending on the number of external links linker to it. These social technologies are here to stay and are already growing in popularity. Social bookmarks are still one of the motors of this evolution of the web. It is tag the web, making it easy to find the content you are looking for by passing on what they’ve found. For users, social Favorites sites may be useful as a form of access to a consolidated set of bookmarks from multiple computers, organize a large number of favorites, and share bookmarks with your contacts. Social bookmarking allow you share not only their favorites in line, but also the sites of which you are the owner to other people with tastes relevant, direct traffic to your site, and the creation of great importance to your site links.
Social Media
With 500 million users, Facebook is the social network with greater participation on the Internet and a site that tends to grow for days where, on average, there are nearly two million people interacting. Facebook is without doubt a must place for all those who are creating their own personal brand or doing business based on the relationship with other people. Although does not need prior experience but just a little common sense and we behave as we would do in any other social circle, to take advantage of this huge platform always have to learn some things. Perhaps one of worst used tools of interaction on Facebook is the option of creating tags in the materials that we publish. Tags although very helpful, when they are used in excess or incorrectly can cause discomfort to users labeled only by getting expose content determined in its walls. We have all been victims at some point in this not advisable using the option label. For example, when us label in business options that we do not solicit; or in photos or videos that have nothing to do with us.
This practice harms relations which we intend to create because it involves people in acrtividades in which have no involvement, at the time that fall apart the illusion created when someone is referred to in a given context. The result of this erroneous practice and too often is the offense and a reaction that can move these people to lock us in its walls. A result that nobody wants in a circle of social contacts. In other cases, on the other hand, we do not seize this possibility when we can, to build valid relationships that is, finally, after all, the purpose of Social Media strategies. I commented a personal experience: I have noticed that often my posts are shared on Facebook by a high number of people. On occasions they are published about 20 times, in another 30 and some post they have been shared nearly 40 times. However, only receive some few notifications that the post It was published as who share you are not tagging it. Not knowing who are sharing my content, I can simply not reciprocate the action, sharing the contents of these persons in turn, commenting on their walls or participating in their blogs.
I.e., possible and justified relationship is frustrated by the lack of knowledge; something that would be resolved as simple mode with the option label. Tag to someone when we share content on Facebook is very simple, we only have that put the symbol @maselnombredelapersona (no spaces) in our window of status (where it usually says what are you thinking), at the end of the comment we make regarding the post. If the person labeling is on our list of friends, when we started to write the name, Facebook will suggest a list of names from which to choose. Example (imagine that this is the status box I suggest this excellent post by my friend @fulanadetal with this option, Faceboook will notify to the) a person that you’ve tagged in a publication, promoting the construction of relations of reciprocity with this. Finally I would like to thank all those who published my post and I have not known who they are.
3 Websites To Visit
Today speak them of 3 websites that offer free content that will surely interest you, it is 1 social network and 2 websites where you can watch TV online free, ideal for when you want to watch sporting events or looking for interact with new people and make friends with whom you can share videos, music and interests you have in common. The first Badoo is a social network that has become more popular, since it meets the majority of the people for occasions of ligue in Spain, is an excellent social network for people who want to know people, in it you can share experiences with people who have your same tastes, find out about festivals that are organized and invite many usersshare music that you like and upload your photos. It is very easy to use and free. Then we have the best portal to Rojadirecta to watch football online for free, as well as all sporting events that also transmits as basketball, golf and various events, this website offers to watch matches via streaming or download the necessary files to your computer to view the more quiet, also the first option necessary that you have a good internet connection since you’d be watching soccer or other games over the internet, and this can be a little slow with a bad connection. Surely will serve you for the next World Cup. And finally we have Justin TV a service similar to the previous but not limited only to sports but that lets us see all kinds of television programs through internet, sports or news channels and others, this also allows you to register in the event that you want to delete some free restrictions. It is one of the Favorites to watch television over the internet. Original author and source of the article.
Cristian Laborde
Communication. To engage in a genuine debate with other people of similar interests, create a civilized, profitable, coexistence, brilliant discussion, then when finished, ask if you want to take a look at your blog or website. You’ll be amazed the amount of faithful readers have come to my own blog in this way.! Just leave comments on communities, social networks, other blogs, etc. 3. Consider the reader. What do you want to read? who browse your blog? The reader.
who should you devote who your time, energy and attention? The reader. The exam is important, and this can be displayed in many ways. You can try to reach readers interested, asking questions in the entries of the blog, or web page statements, and the opening of opinions. If people leave comments, you can even follow a conversation with them, and keep them. It responds to your queries and requests with a solid, reliable, reliable response, and takes note of the comments. If someone claims that your text It is difficult to read, change the color to avoid that it hit both the Fund, or simply greater size dale.
There are many ways in which can show consideration to your audience, and that it demonstrates to what extent you is faithful to its readers through this. Oh, and perhaps most importantly, the element of surprise. It is to differentiate yourself, do something different. Be bold! Try something wild, or something totally unprecedented, innovative, creative, eye-catching, original. Follow your heart. Be an entrepreneur. Think like an entrepreneur but always always always think of the reader. What you like, what you need, what are their interests, which demand, etc. No limits you to what you have been told or what they’ve seen, loose your mind and your heart and make your site a unique and original creation. to succeed! Lic. Cristian Laborde group thrive original author and source of the article.
Similar Lives
February 15, 2014
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Reverse reading google news a few days ago. I saw that they had worked with Anti-hydrogen atoms which is to say, that on Earth, our planet, which is composed of matter, was possible to create atoms of antimatter. Which says that subsequent instant of the big bang was created matter and antimatter together (these are the parts of the theories of the origin of our universe). Well well my article is not focused on these theories if not rather a few that I thought back to what they had read. Researching a bit on the net I read projects that have been made subsequent to the 1960s which have the purpose of finding antimatter in our universe. Although galaxies or places not found in the universe with antimatter is not discarded the possibility that exists in this. Well come to the point. If there is a place with enough antimatter I thought that there could be a place like the Earth that we could call Anti Earth which means this, that owns the molecules of matter that we have in our planet but of Antimatter.
Which gives us as a possible existence of life. In these circumstances which mean that living beings like us but with an arrangement of different atoms there are. Although it is something that I cannot prove I consider that it is not a theory that has no fundamentals well it is the same as life as we know but arranged differently. The second thing I thought about after this article is that if our universe is matter but also considers the existence of antimatter could there be a universe parallel where this would be composed of antimatter and what has disappeared is matter. I think that these are really open and debatable theories by everyone. But valid meeting that someone is interested in this if you want to know more about what is antimatter inviting them to investigate on the net as well wiki called possesses information well specified.