Cascading With Balanced Scorecard

March 30, 2017


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What is the balanced scorecard for the low levels of the planned hierarchy built? The cascading process ensures the effectiveness of the strategies on the low levels of the planned hierarchy. In other words there is in this or that organization not only the balanced scorecard of the upper level, but also the structural subdivisions. Steve Wozniak helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The construction of the BSC for the structural subdivisions of the low levels of the planned hierarchy (the institutions, the departments, the services) is carried out according to the management philosophy and style of leadership. The process of cascading suspected the presence of the following preconditions: the task of the parent level (the goal of the parent level); the development and the implementation of the strategy are carried out from the parent level (the Ministry). This means that the vision and the strategy, as well as the BSC of parent divisions to be determined. Also should the dedicated meanings of key figures BSC of the structural outline be established; It is the first version of the dedicated meanings of the figures for the structural outline, which is developed at the height of the parent guidance; professional project management the presence of unique responsibility, the schedule of work, the uniform standards of the development and documentation of the BSC, the consistent supply of quality, the distribution of resources; the unloading of the team of the project thanks to the construction of the project organisation of the professional organization of the process of cascading leaves substantially administrative and methodological tasks from the team of the project. In this case, the uniform standards have the particular usefulness. The main role of the team of the project is to carry out the preparatory work and the processing of the received results; the information and the communication of open communication process and the timely information of the employees leave in Substantially increase the resistance of employees reduce the process of introduction of the BSC and the level of their motivation. .