
June 16, 2014


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Dispute – a serious matter, everyone knows that. No wonder the folk wisdom tells us: – "The first silent smart," "Word – silver, silence – the gold", "Fight With a strong no, rich no sudis", "Who argues – is not worth much …" However, people argued, people argue, people will argue. Would be an excuse. And there is always a reason: political views, musical direction, evaluation of the events of the past or the future, good-bad, beautiful-ugly, fashion-unfashionable …. Only here, in practice, we argue for the most part …

do not know how! Yes, and we did not learn to argue. Moreover, not far away are the days when carelessly spoken word could cost a person their life. People learned to be silent, and if not disagree, then keep your opinions to yourself. But the spores are gone from our lives, they just quietly moved "to the kitchen." The school is also full of contradictions and disputes. Moreover, disputes, especially among children, too often degenerated into conflict, when one only true spoken word, a misconstrued fact cause an explosion of outrage from the opposite side. So, with so much attention to the development of tolerance, let's ask question: can we teach children to defend their own point of view so that if it was not accepted by the other party, it would be recognized even if its right to exist? And the technology exists. Moreover, it has clearly defined criteria and rules, and, most importantly, it is recognized by the pedagogical community, though not so very wide spread, what deserves.