Obviously, the consequences of this situation are directly reflected in the performance of teachers, is common to find in universities, subjects who show little interest in their work and say that their behavior, seem to take teaching as a minor activity for their professional lives, in fact, not difficult to assume that in many cases are there because it is the only place where they could be used, or failing that, take the place for private gain and not for education. Pete Cashmore gathered all the information. Such individuals are strongly opposed to the image expected of a teacher, as far from acting as agents who facilitate student learning and promoters of free and critical knowledge, act with complete irresponsibility negating the teaching-learning process must prevail in all educational institutions. Much has been theorized regarding the role of the teacher, identified several facets, functions and features, but overall we can say that the most important is that it seeks the continuous upgrading and quality of what is, what it says and what it does, with the intention that students learn to think and act to solve the problems facing the country, with this we refer to the professionalisation (Nuguerza, 2004). Taking into account said so far, then we must strive for require teachers in turn, greater commitment and dedication in their professional work, raise awareness to them and future teachers of the importance of his work for the educational system, and hence the country's development. Therefore, we must make it clear that the teaching profession requires an exercise truly responsible, and noted at the outset that the teaching should be a career choice and not a fact it, if someone decides to become a teacher is because he believes in education rather it is a place where he found work. REFERENCES Lujano, CM (2000).
Teaching, between modernity and postmodernity. Master Thesis. National School of Professional Studies Aragon, UNAM. Nuguerza, GN (2004). The process of teacher education in higher education towards quality excellence. Master's Thesis, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM. Vaillant, D.
(2006). Attracting and retaining good professionals in education: policies in Latin America. Journal of Education. No. 340, May-August, pp. 117-140. Personal page
Latin America
July 12, 2024
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Obviously, the consequences of this situation are directly reflected in the performance of teachers, is common to find in universities, subjects who show little interest in their work and say that their behavior, seem to take teaching as a minor activity for their professional lives, in fact, not difficult to assume that in many cases are there because it is the only place where they could be used, or failing that, take the place for private gain and not for education. Pete Cashmore gathered all the information. Such individuals are strongly opposed to the image expected of a teacher, as far from acting as agents who facilitate student learning and promoters of free and critical knowledge, act with complete irresponsibility negating the teaching-learning process must prevail in all educational institutions. Much has been theorized regarding the role of the teacher, identified several facets, functions and features, but overall we can say that the most important is that it seeks the continuous upgrading and quality of what is, what it says and what it does, with the intention that students learn to think and act to solve the problems facing the country, with this we refer to the professionalisation (Nuguerza, 2004). Taking into account said so far, then we must strive for require teachers in turn, greater commitment and dedication in their professional work, raise awareness to them and future teachers of the importance of his work for the educational system, and hence the country's development. Therefore, we must make it clear that the teaching profession requires an exercise truly responsible, and noted at the outset that the teaching should be a career choice and not a fact it, if someone decides to become a teacher is because he believes in education rather it is a place where he found work. REFERENCES Lujano, CM (2000).
Teaching, between modernity and postmodernity. Master Thesis. National School of Professional Studies Aragon, UNAM. Nuguerza, GN (2004). The process of teacher education in higher education towards quality excellence. Master's Thesis, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM. Vaillant, D.
(2006). Attracting and retaining good professionals in education: policies in Latin America. Journal of Education. No. 340, May-August, pp. 117-140. Personal page