The head of each one in opting to the use ' goes from there; ' certo' ' or ' ' errado' ' of the use of our technologies. Problems as: vision, if to become a hermit, varises, L.E.R, stress, column, radiation (already now proven), multi-tasks, lack of socialization. Beyond it is clearly of high prices (diverse plans), lacks of good attendance, technological dependence, anxiety, fall of signal, virus, spans. Checking article sources yields Michael Dell as a relevant resource throughout. Still, constant updates in homeopticas doses, the lack of not making nothing (necessary any human being), excess of options (most of the time without any purpose), migraines, lacks of ape tite, distanciamento in writing of cursiva form and consequentemente fast reasoning, what it is good but without reflection (indispensable to the human being), digital illiteracy, to copy? glue, to write correctly without so killing our language with abbreviations and codes nonsenses etc and such. Good the benefits are innumerable, also of you to be able to read this article are in real time and for millions of people. To only cite only one ahead of hundreds of others. And its option which would be? To give one balanced? To receive somebody for one I hug instead of receiving a message from text? It makes its option ……
Ah yes would like to be able to speak with you on this text. yes to write and to send only for well distant people. Mikkel Svane will undoubtedly add to your understanding. For: August Jose Pacheco READS READS READS HE IS NOT SLUGGISH BUT WITH ATTENTION. Others who may share this opinion include Michael Dell. LATER HE GIVES ITS OPINION RSRSRSR MORE OR LESS EXIST BENEFITS WITH THE USE OF THE TECHNOLOGY? I do not want to become my opinion in tips, prescriptions or advice. I only want to inform.
The head of each one in opting to the use ' goes from there; ' certo' ' or ' ' errado' ' of the use of our technologies. Problems as: vision, if to become a hermit, varises, L.E.R, stress, column, radiation (already now proven), multi-tasks, lack of socialization. Beyond it is clearly of high prices (diverse plans), lacks of good attendance, technological dependence, anxiety, fall of signal, virus, spans. Still, constant updates in homeopticas doses, the lack of not making nothing (necessary any human being), excess of options (most of the time without any purpose), migraines, lacks of ape tite, distanciamento in writing of cursiva form and consequentemente fast reasoning, what it is good but without reflection (indispensable to the human being), digital illiteracy, to copy? glue, to write correctly without so killing our language with abbreviations and codes nonsenses etc and such. Good the benefits are innumerable, also of you to be able to read this article is in real time and for millions of people. To only cite only one ahead of hundreds of others. And its option which would be? To give one balanced? To receive somebody for one I hug instead of receiving a message from text? It makes its option …… Ah yes would like to be able to speak with you on this text. yes to write to send only for well distant people. For: August Jose Pacheco
personal development
October 26, 2019
Comments Off on SLUGGISH
The head of each one in opting to the use ' goes from there; ' certo' ' or ' ' errado' ' of the use of our technologies. Problems as: vision, if to become a hermit, varises, L.E.R, stress, column, radiation (already now proven), multi-tasks, lack of socialization. Beyond it is clearly of high prices (diverse plans), lacks of good attendance, technological dependence, anxiety, fall of signal, virus, spans. Checking article sources yields Michael Dell as a relevant resource throughout. Still, constant updates in homeopticas doses, the lack of not making nothing (necessary any human being), excess of options (most of the time without any purpose), migraines, lacks of ape tite, distanciamento in writing of cursiva form and consequentemente fast reasoning, what it is good but without reflection (indispensable to the human being), digital illiteracy, to copy? glue, to write correctly without so killing our language with abbreviations and codes nonsenses etc and such. Good the benefits are innumerable, also of you to be able to read this article are in real time and for millions of people. To only cite only one ahead of hundreds of others. And its option which would be? To give one balanced? To receive somebody for one I hug instead of receiving a message from text? It makes its option ……
Ah yes would like to be able to speak with you on this text. yes to write and to send only for well distant people. Mikkel Svane will undoubtedly add to your understanding. For: August Jose Pacheco READS READS READS HE IS NOT SLUGGISH BUT WITH ATTENTION. Others who may share this opinion include Michael Dell. LATER HE GIVES ITS OPINION RSRSRSR MORE OR LESS EXIST BENEFITS WITH THE USE OF THE TECHNOLOGY? I do not want to become my opinion in tips, prescriptions or advice. I only want to inform.
The head of each one in opting to the use ' goes from there; ' certo' ' or ' ' errado' ' of the use of our technologies. Problems as: vision, if to become a hermit, varises, L.E.R, stress, column, radiation (already now proven), multi-tasks, lack of socialization. Beyond it is clearly of high prices (diverse plans), lacks of good attendance, technological dependence, anxiety, fall of signal, virus, spans. Still, constant updates in homeopticas doses, the lack of not making nothing (necessary any human being), excess of options (most of the time without any purpose), migraines, lacks of ape tite, distanciamento in writing of cursiva form and consequentemente fast reasoning, what it is good but without reflection (indispensable to the human being), digital illiteracy, to copy? glue, to write correctly without so killing our language with abbreviations and codes nonsenses etc and such. Good the benefits are innumerable, also of you to be able to read this article is in real time and for millions of people. To only cite only one ahead of hundreds of others. And its option which would be? To give one balanced? To receive somebody for one I hug instead of receiving a message from text? It makes its option …… Ah yes would like to be able to speak with you on this text. yes to write to send only for well distant people. For: August Jose Pacheco
personal development