Tag: geography
Center Extensive
The first one, cattle the intensive one, estmuito gift in the developed countries. (Source: Viacom). It if it carries through with the job detcnicas modern and have reached raised incomes for hectare, of meat, milk and its derivatives. This activity is well visible in the Center-South of the country, sendoque in the Amaznia and north-eastern the predominance of the extensive one happens. Dasexplicaes for this can be the land availability and the price of them. NoCentro-south, which had not to have available lands and the price for hectare to be muitoalto, in comparison with the remaining portion of the country, if invests more in technology for intent aproduo of animals.
Already in the north-eastern Amaznia and, relative adisponibilidade of lands cause the reduction in the price for hectare, thus making possible, the cattle predominance of the extensive one. The investments emtecnologias for the increase of the production are low in these regions. Although these profits, the national flock of bovines vemaumentando considerably in recent years, therefore new socriadas 3 borders, mainly in the Amaznia. Another factor that concurs for this aumentodo flock national it is the genetic improvement of some species, as Nelore 4, for example. This improvement beyond aiming at a bigger yield, made possible a significant increase in the number of heads of this race, quepassa of 118 million in 1990, for little more than 159 million bovines em1996. It is important to stand out that this growth that was not the same for asoutras species that composes the Brazilian flock. In what they are mentioned to cattle the extensive one, the untied socriados animals and receive few cares. Therefore, a granderea for few animals is necessary, therefore they depend only on the natural vegetation for the seusustento. Of this form, cattle intensive and extensive temcontribudo for the increase of the Brazilian flock, mainly later daexpanso of this activity in direction the regions not yet inclusas in this modeloprodutivo.
Solar System
With these comments we can to say ratify them of Mrdieu, that ‘ ‘ the one construction coherent space clearly and represented is operated at the same time that the construction of objeto’ ‘ . This concept can justify the reason that the pupils who had represented God in its conceptions of sprouting of the universe had not drawn the procedural way it (sprouting it universe), therefore in the Christianity does not exist theories that explain the universe, and yes the elements that composes the planet Land, with exception of the Sun. Therefore the reason is placed of because that the pupils who conceive God, had drawn terrestrial landscapes, they never turn an explanation who God created Mars, Comets, Galaxies and other bodies that you compose the universe, the objects that the pupils had represented in its drawings are coherent with its conceptions, the religious one. In the representations made for the pupils of 5 series (6ano) perceives a variety of concepts of as the sprouting of the universe would have occurred. Where they appear in two drawings Big Bang, two drawings God, two drawings hurricane, a shock of planets and three of the pupils do not possess one formed conception. We have that to lead in consideration that the pupils of 5 series (6 year), are passing for just a contact with science, still either early to perhaps conclude its opinions. We can apply to say of Mredieu ‘ to them; ‘ In the lived experience the percipient one does not hold objects fixos’ ‘ , justifying the varieties of concepts that possess the pupils, and that future, its concepts of sprouting of the universe will go to pass for transformations. Comparing the drawings of the pupils of 1ano of average education with the ones of the pupils of 5 series (6ano) how much its conceptions of sprouting of the universe, notices that the pupils of 1 of average education conceive Big Bang and Deus, already the pupils of 5 series (6 year) appears more conceptions as Big Bang, God, hurricane, shock of planets and pupils who do not possess conceptions. Also comparing the drawings of the two groups, we can observe that the universe for the majority of the pupils composes what would be the Solar System with some
South American
While the aboriginal population was decimated for strange illnesses to the local people or for the violence of the conquerors the new white population if concentrated generally next to the coast in reduced nuclei. Still today the country lives a spaced occupation sufficiently and many places are unexplored or the population is small, the access is difficult and the information of these towns rare obtains hearing in the great centers. In these places one I shake seismic can not be perceived by nobody or for very few inhabitants and not to gain register, thus, this phenomenon officially does not exist. Another factor to be considered deals with what we know as tectnica plate. The last century it was given credit that the plates would not present imperfections, idea this falling of trees recently with the advent of modern instruments as the radars that make possible the discovery of that the plates present ruptures in its interior that these recent imperfections in seismic geologic terms present movement what cause abalos. 3 STRUCTURE OF the PLATE South-AMERICANANosso knowledge on what it is a tectnica plate moved.
New technologies have in them proportionate a knowledge much more deepened of the subject and knocked down old ideas for our astonishment and concern. Using tip technology we discover that the South American plate where Brazil if finds in its center, is not inteiria, presents all to the 48 imperfections in its interior due to the consuming occurred for the time and that these ruptures were sensible to the accumulation of pressure, therefore endowed with movements. Although its small movement either, is enough to generate earthquakes less despite the frequency either than in other more active parts of globo.3.1 DIVISION TECTNICA BRASILEIRASegundo information of ' ' Tectnico map of the Brasil' ' , created for the Federal University of Minas Gerais, the analyses of topographical and geologic maps show that the regions that present the greater number of imperfections is the Southeast and the Northeast, followed for the North and Center-West, and, finally, the Northeast Sul.O is the region that more suffers with seismic abalos.
Rio Grande
May 17, 2020
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The Srido region in the Rio Grande of the North is in desertificao process, is dying. The region of the half-barren Brazilian is a very rich area culturally and ambiently, but also an area of much exodus. In recent months, Samsung has been very successful. The region is very explored by the local ceramist industries that act done effect herd, destroying all the vegetation (or what it sobrou of it) for the roofing tile production. The way of analysis of this subject occurred by means of specialized literature and study of field. It is arrived conclusion in this monographic work and of research that is necessary a more concrete action of our governing to prevent the ambient disaster that if avizinha that caatinga would be the disappearance of bioma and to become a desertificada area. The experimental research that unchained in monograph intends to show of clear form as the desertificao destroys the region of the Srido and keeps out of society each time plus our countrymen. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Mikkel Svane by clicking through. The results of a scientific inquiry will be presented that took two more than years and the catastrophic results of what it was I evidence.